Started physio yesterday after being put into the aircast moon boot. My surgeon wasnt very concerned about the slip- I texted him right after it happened. over a year ago, Guest The nature of a bunion is not just a bump. Felt a ton of pain but no ripping feeling; more like a tough pull from my calf to my Achilles. My wife is about 20 hours post Achilles bone spur surgery and I am terrified. Just curious anyone who re-ruptured your Achilles did you feel lots of pain afterwards? The first time I had a crutch get caught up in a loose extension cord while at work. No foot, toe, or ankle cast is not required. Its beyond frustrating, but what Im realizing after speaking with my doctor and reading posts here is that the boots, casts or splints do a good job of protected the Achilles. I realize it takes time but I can hardly stand sitting still and not doing anything. I am down to two or three pain pills a day.y wrist is still a little sore , but I've been wearing a brace for support. Today is exactly 2 weeks since the surgery and I feel that a lot of progress has been made. Other than the top of my foot now hurting I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. Surgery usually takes up to an hour and afterwards, you will be taken to the recovery room and monitored until your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing as well as the sensation and circulation in your foot are back to normal. I tried to catch myself with my injured foot but that didnt quite go as planned. I used one I had surgery Friday, August 5, and stumbled yesterday (August 9) at work. She hasnt had any of the types of fall or dramatic slips described by many on this blog. I am in a walking boot and air brace at night. My doctor said if your waking boot or cast is on during a fall, there is only the smallest of chances of a rerupture of because those things both are made to keep your foot immobile, keeping the tendon from stretching. The first 3 weeks coming to terms with it, Click here for the Group Marathon Tracker. Just praying nothing I havent re-ruptured it, I would be devastated if this was the case. For another data point, I did the same thing 4-5 days ago. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this forum because I thought that I had really messed up when in fact this is a very common incident. Osteoarthritis (wear and tear arthritis) is not alleviated by surgery. And the most frequent treatment for bunions is this one. So happy I didnt do any damage except for a bit of pain but I can manage. Also the cast and stocking are black so I have no idea how to tell for sure. It happens as we all have stated. Just gotta trust the process and keep doing my physio exercises. Repaired posterior Tibial tendon and 3 torn ligaments. For more severe cases, the soft tissue must be further disturbed. The basis for bunion surgery has classically been centered on the method with which surgeons use to realign the deviated bones. Still very weak. 6 more wks of nwb. Eric_Mark_1 hello,, I'm on week 3 of bunion surgery, I tripped while using the stairs and put full weight on my affected leg, it's been 12 hours and I still feel swelling on feet bottom and sometimes pressure against the operated area. I probably put maybe 50-70% of my weight on it before regaining control. The recovery itself can take up to six weeks, but the entire healing process may last for up to six months. One of the nicest theyve seen lol. I had some intense pain in the Achilles and a stretching sensation but no pop. I completely ruptured the Archilles tendon in my left foot. It is essential to keep the surgical wound dry and clean after bunion surgery. I have been lightly limping around the house with extreme caution without it through out my day. Had trouble with wound healing so they silver nitrated the trouble spots for over a month, to the point where one of the stitches holding my Achilles together was poking out and had to be removed. I had them take a pic and it looked like shredded pork in there. Hey Meg and Michael, lots of us have had little scares like that - I remember mine very well. The main point he told me was that if you are in a boot or cast, the odds are very slim that you would re-rupture the tendon because your foot cant move in the directions that would cause that to happen. The dr. said to use pain meds and contact him in a few days. Losing the scooter the peg leg and the crutches today was a great motivator. Just gonna keep hobbling toward that light at the end of the tunnel. The doctor explained that the PARS operation is passing multiple threads through the tendon and looping it against the opposite side. Also I started wearing a compression sock as soon as I could get one on without discomfort. Thankfuly at least Im pretty sure the metal hardware holding the damaged bones together should still be alright & this did happen shortly after I was given the OK to start putting weight on it 6 weeks after my surgery so Im sure all the hardware is nice & tight in there still. However, some patients can benefit from newer, minimally invasive techniques that have significant advantages. Hard to see without removing my splint but I dont notice any swelling. thankfully, I did not. If I had to guess, Id say I didnt re-rupture it, but it was definitely enough of a fall to freak me out. But I tried over and over to register and was not allowed (I gave myself the name "brokenbones"). Good luck with your progress! Hi Serge you will be fine. Im 4 weeks post surgery and am half weight bearing. Medication (which I had been off) helped with the pain it was still painful but lessened with meds which was what they told me to look for. However at the evening and this morning I felt a throbbing at my heel and I have the feeling the my foot is also throbbing more than usual. Right foot forward, left foot back. Injuries after injuries, Hi Im so pleased to find this. Bunion and 6-week post-op. A little over two weeks, i went out to start my truck and pressed on my clutch.bad move, but the pain went away pretty quickly. There are multiple techniques, but all involve cutting the bones and repositioning them with metal screws to straighten the big toe and reduce the bump on the side of the foot. That's progress! And my foot is not almost completely motioning. Now the tendon doesnt hurt, but it hurts a bit higher up, I guess near the calf muscle. they hurt all the time, even when i have no shoes on. I stepped down (in order to avoid slipping and falling) on my post-surgical foot when I still had the soft splint on. The results are generally excellent for reducing joint pain and allowing increased activity.Using surgical engineering, we are able to get the big toe joint to bend again, saving many such arthritic joints. I dont have my next appointment for another 10 days. It didnt keep me up last night so I assume it is nothing. I always thought of myself as a sporty individual, I practised sports for all my youth but when I e entered college and the professional market had to put that aside. Instantly my steering column jerked and I toppled over. Just two days after my bunion surgery I accidentally tripped while in The twitching might have been caused by my anxiousness. The pain level seems to be the as before the accident. Registered number: 10004395 Registered office: Fulford Grange, Micklefield Lane, Rawdon, Leeds, LS19 6BA. Felt good!m. I had my hard cast taken off about a week, but it had an extreme sharp edge on it that went against my calf and had to come off, so i was put in a boot. Initially there was an incredible amount of pain, took off the boot and the wrap to ensure I didnt tear the stitches open. I appreciate everyone sharing however as it makes me feel a little better to read that I was not the only one pressing a little to much and took the plunge not LOL. The dressing will need to be changed frequently, and even more often if it becomes damp with fluid or blood or becomes soiled. I have my follow up in 4 days. For those going through this ordeal, remember that everything after the surgery is positive progress. Hey I just accidentaly stepped on my leg 4 weeks post surgery. Ill share my Oops! story here as well and report any follow up. Have hard cast on, lost my balance and for a couple of seconds hopped on toe touch foot. Im praying I did not re-tear my Achilles. I never had to take any pain meds after the first day after surgery. Good call, Greg, thats how I found this comment section a few weeks ago as well. 2 weeks from that i will be BOOT FREE. I was still NWB but unfortunately my full weight came down on my bad foot. Instinctively I fully extended my bad leg and used only my heel to plant. I am a little overweight and my Dr was worried about how I would handle getting around but I've done great. I did something similar even earlier in my recovery, twice. The first time I fell it was 2 weeks post up and I was in a hard cast. It may also occur if patients dont follow the postoperative directions carefully. Mine hurt like heck after I fell on it, but since the pain went away I wasnt too concerned that I did anything serious. Will find out the extent of damage from the doc tomorrow. Wow this is the blog Ive been looking for. What to Look for in a Shoe to Wear After Bunion Surgery?Arch Support. With adequate arch support, youll find it much easier to increase your mobility while decreasing the amount of pain you feel when moving.Adjustability. Finding a pair of post-op shoes that you can easily adjust and navigate around your bandages is one of the most critical things.Rocker Bottom Shoes. Extra Depth. Rounder Toe-Boxes. More items Thanks to all of those who have posted the messages on their experiences and outcomes! I was shocked . When my cast was removed three days later, it was still tight. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? Let us know how it goes. Now that Im in air walking boot, he did say to take it easy with WBing since area is already stressed/sore and not to over due it. Ill be so glad when this is over. I stupidly put my NWB foot down, NO BOOT, just bare foot to the floor putting weight down on it. Called the docs office and left a message with the nurse. my foot now feels numb and i cant really feel much around where the sutures are i can still feel my other toes though. I was sure I re-tore it, and was so angry at myself. Again the surgery is like 36 Hours ago. I felt a pop. If you have more questions, please come to my site and check it out! I followed Dr orders exactly as far as no weight bearing and keeping it elevated. Felt a sharp pain for a few min and then it settled in; now mostly feeling light throbbing pain. This takes slightly longer if you have a general anaesthetic rather than an ankle block. Been doing ok managing on one leg for a month now, but today I lost balance when getting from car to knee scooter and put weight on my recovering leg, talk about SHOCK to the system! Im still going to call my doctor on monday. Today, while transferring from a chair to my knee scooter, i misjudged my knee landing on the scooter pad and had a tumble over the side. PT said I should be crutch free by Saturday! Im relieved to read someones experience at least not ending negatively. I was hopping up on a bar stool and accidentally tapped the casted foot on the ground. I can wiggle my toes, move my ankle move my toes up and down. Our number one complication is irritation from the retained hardware or screw. Finally getting back to you, i have been going to physical therapy and check ups. And one of the most important things to have in mind is to find the best possible doctor because dealing with some screw problems can easily turn this non-invasive procedure into disaster and cause even bigger problems after bunion surgery. Talk about a scary proposition. Surgical hardware like screws and plates are designed to spur healing and stabilize bones, but they dont always produced the intended effect. i want to add that i was given a surgical boot to keep on and an appt to see my surgeon exactly 1 week post op. Thanks for asking after me. As the joint continues to function out of alignment, the bunion deformity gets worse. Once you are comfortable, you can go home with your chosen companion. Hopefully its done its job in protecting me. I was 5 days way to get into my hard cast so I didnt contact the Doc and wait and stress it out was my descion, did a bunch of research and drove me even more crazy. I just read your story! Simply put, an orthopedic surgeon manually realigns the injured joint, then removes the cartilage and proceeds with stabilizing the bone in order to recover together. 3 weeks post op, completely ruptured my Achilles. Accidents happen. Also, displacing the bone and keeping it in the right position is something that has to be done in the bunion correction. he said it did shift a tiny tiny bit but that it was absolutely looking fine for healing. For the past three weeks, I usually navigate those shallow stairs with crutches, and then flip around to go up the stairs on my bum. It's amazing how quickly you can lose muscle strength by inactivity which is what has happened to my right leg now. He said 9 times out of 10 if you are still in a cast it isnt an issue, but to let them know if any pain hits at insertion point. Most people with painful, unsightly bunions choose to suffer throughout life instead of undergoing the perceived horror of invasive open-foot surgery. Had surgery on 4-9 pain has been bad nwb so so Im in a hard boot. This entry was posted on Now flash forward to 3 weeks post op I am out of the cast and now in the big boot. Im about 10 days away from my first appointment but this has been helpful. During your recovery at home, your healthcare provider will instruct you to: During the first two weeks after surgery, you may need to ask someone to help you prepare meals or do household chores. But these slips and falls are common and usually ok when in a cast/splint/boot, it would seem. Add me to the slip list. my dr did say that i am not as swollen as someone would be for being 6 days post op (even with that fall wow! I have to say, these things could use a design upgrade or twoI cant count the number of times the handle has jerked this-way or that after one of the wheels runs over some tiny crack in the floor! Quick recoveries to us all! I was pretty scared so I did what most people do and googled this type of incident. It happened to me as well getting on my scooter 8 days post surgery. Hey all, I figured Id add to this thread as well. My foot is doing a lot better. I know I have to go to the doctor but if I ruptured my achilles I should be in a lot of pain today right? I'm not looking forward to the initial two weeks of elevation and no mobility, but the sooner we start, the sooner it'll be over! Anyone else felt this or am I imagining it?! He had no concerns. My skin towards the bottom of my incision was softer due to getting it wet in the shower, and when I looked it was bleeding. No complications with my first surgery, but I was going into it super fit and flexible. He actually is a very good Dr in the most respected and qualified facility in town so I'm at a loss on this. It hurt like crazy when I did it, but I immediately elevated and iced it and the pain dissipated. In more advanced stages, some patients also develop osteoarthritis The longer the joint is crooked and the longer the joint is mal-aligned, the greater the chance for the person to develop arthritis. TaraH, I rolled my ankle at day 43 while in a protective boot, felt sharp pain, went back to my surgeon to get checked out. I talked to another friend who did the same thing a few years ago and he was walking and back to work during the 7-8 week marK. Think positive youll be fine I turned out ok. Im in my 4 week post-op and yet in the cast. I was hopping from my scooter to a chair when I tripped and instintively put down my NWB foot to catch myself. The pain is most likely a result of muscles that havent been used in a while taking weight, you know? I think that some pressure, compared with slipping onto the injured foot, cant really make a lot of damage, and while I pressure, since wasnt weight bearing I think the ankle didnt even flexed or moved that much. Been doing the double and assisted single heel lifts, balancing on my bad foot passing a weight left to right and try to remain balanced for 30 seconds or more. The longer you leave it the harder it gets. I was in my walking boot when it happened. I just had achiiles surgery on Monday 6/14. I fell off my knee scooter tonight and put all my 220lbs to catch myself and felt some good pain at the time but now an hour or two later I dont feel any pain just wondering some symptoms of a re-rupture. Posted Let me know if any of yall have had similar feelings and your results. It suddenly tipped over and my right foot went crashing to the floor--very hard! Went in today to switch off my splint to a cast. She sported a white bandage on her left foot. Of course instinctively caught myself for a split second on post op foot. She had smashed up her feet jumping over a wall whilst on holiday in 2020. The corrective surgery for bunion is known as a metatarsal osteotomy or bunionectomy. This blog has kept me sane as I keep freaking out that I re-tore the tendon. My foot hurts today in the arch but I'm not sure if that's from the removal of the twenty five staples yesterday and bending it to a ninety degree angle to put the cast on. Thanks everyone for the posts! Take things slow and be extra careful in all things, even when it doesnt seem necessary! he mentioned to me that if something had moved or been fractured id have to go into surgery asap to fix it. For many patients with severe arthritic bunions, a bunionectomy with joint replacement can be used. With the boot/splint, it just cant move that much. When I pressed him on it, he said that my particular tear was in a bad place and he wanted to go extra slow with it. Im really thankful I found this blog. The pain is totally gone now, and all seems back to normal, so Im going to assume that no damage has been done. If it starts to hurt worse or you notice any other weird symptoms that were not present before you fell, I would be concerned. I had a bunionectomy on my left foot's now Sunday. It literally almost brought me to tears. I know Im pushing things everyday even though I have the fear of a new rupture like the Live up north where I was holed up. I still have movements up and down, side to side. You will have to ask someone to drive you home. My surgeon has been doing this for 17 years and I was the first patient in his history to ever rupture after this type of surgery. OF course i was very careful in the beginning, but now im walking pretty well in it (Im almost at 6 weeks post op now). Today, went to get on the knee scooter and misjudged. I had a ruptured achilles but due to the way it ruptured I ended up having to do a FHL transfer to support it as well which causes more non weight bearing time. I do risk by doing it and I probably should just put it on when doing any waking. Its not constant. I am happy I was able to read the stories on this page. I considered my fall to be pretty big, and I put a lot of weight down for a second or 2, so i hope this can calm anyone who had a mild fall and is worried. After reading these comments I do feel a little bit better. Hello Amanda! Are you not yet FWB in your boot? Went well; had a new cast out on yesterday. Dont risk re-rupturing your tendon. All rights reserved. I know its my fault and I aaa being stupid, just wondering if anyone else had similar surgery and experience. Was was the result if you dont mind me asking? But I know a lot of people fall and slip during the during the nwb stage! Yikes nwb is tough! Called my doctor and they told me very similar to your doctor. Right now my achilles is in no pain. Felt a whole lot of pain and burning. Like you all, I had instant shock, but its since went away. Here's What Want I Wish My Family And Friends Would Have Known. or a Splint? Thank you all for your posts. The reality TV star, 44, is understood to have undergone an operation earlier this month to remove metal work that had been inserted into her foot around two years ago. Still need some strengthening, but life is almost back to normal now other than not yet back into sports. Anti-spam word: (Required)* rest and elevate their foot and leg to keep it from moving. take pain medications for discomfort and antibiotics to prevent infection. use ice packs on the foot and toe to bring down swelling. wear a surgical boot for several weeks. use crutches or a knee walker for a few weeks. How do I reduce swelling in my foot after surgery? Get Plenty of Rest. I literally just did the same thing! Anyone else have that feeling? Thanks. Luckily in my fall i didn't wind up moving or fracturing the bone that was realigned. New bleeding occured. I didnt have it hurt up in the calf area though. (I know. what kind of a foot specialist hasn't got a backup plan if machine breaks?) I purchased a knee scooter which I woke up today feeling much better with almost no pain. Hey all! Im really glad I found this. My docs office hasnt returned my call yet so Im hoping thats a good thing. I am going in tomorrow to have my sutures removed. What helped me a lot , was accepting that I had this injury, and blocking out the thoughts in my mind telling me that I would have been doing this or that if I didnt have this injury. I'm terrified that i messed it up. The DR told me The only way we are going to know if any damage was done, will be after all of my rehab is done, but more then likely i am ok. Our patients benefit from our team-centered approach with world-renowned surgeons and specialized physician assistants, nurses and physical therapists. Lol. I also have a wonderful husband who actually remembered the 20+ years I took care of him (house wife, a damn good one lol! ) I am now using a transport chair to move her to the toilet to minimize how much crutches or walker use she has to do. Can also feel my tendon and everything feels like its right where it needs to be lol. Today calf behind incision is really sore and had a knot in it. Im at 5 months , 3 days now and waking with a slight limp now. I lost balance on my leg scooter and was about to fall. Appointment today. I agree with your comment to Bob about the knee walker. WebThe amount of pain experienced after bunion surgery is different from one person to the next. I am 5.5 weeks post op and am also wondering if your pain increased with PWB. Placed some weight on my toes (and jammed my good shin against a bar on the scooter - that hurt the most). Plates, screws, and other hardware are often used to correct the toe and keep it in place. I think I rolled it some when I also instinctively collapsed my foot inwards some to avoid putting weight on it as I fell. The doctors at UFAI are thoroughly trained and highly skilled in all the effective ways to correct bunions. Ill do what they tell me but its such a slow process. Glad you are doing better! It felt weird it didnt hurt, I dont think i stepped on it hard enough to do damage. I saw your post that you have written in February and I had a very similar incident. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. No swelling. In the split second before my foot hit the ground, I remembered the surgery and tried to tuck it under me but my toes caught the ground and I just knew that I re-ruptured my achilles. 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