Join support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous. What is the difference between Jehovahs Witnesses and Christians? It is only spiritual ties that have been severed. Such wickedness was to an extent that He did not want His creation to suffer anymore. Since jehovahs witnesses cannot celebrate holidays , like 4th of July, would it be permissible for them to take an empty hot dog or hamburger bun and fill it with the ass gravy of the governing body and eat that ? A SUSPICIOUS woman was left horrified when her Jehovah's Witness husband was seduced during an outreach knock. Monotheism was born with a God named Yahweh (Jehovah). The job of a concordance is to tell where in the Bible each word is used, and how it is translated in each case. You shouldbelieve that Jehovahs Witnesses will be the last religion to be attacked by world governments before God initiates Armageddon. You shouldavoid giving gifts that violate biblical principles definedby Jehovah's Witnesses may object and say they have gotten away with doing some of the things on this list. If those, who believe they are of the 144000, cannot attend the memorial, an elder should visit their house and perform a simple service. You shouldnot take up a career in professional acting. A Jehovah's Witness is prohibited from ingesting or being transfused with natural human blood or its products, although there are exceptions for some artificial blood products or "non-blood alternatives." The Witnesses' stand against blood transfusions reflects the significance of blood in their faith. In the OT Jehovah was a warrior God. It is truly terrifying. Their beliefs prevent them from taking part in a blood transfusion, which is widely included in standard methods of a life-saving trea Consonants and vowels, on the other hand, are something pronounced. You shouldagreethat pioneering is the most rewarding career you can have. Also, in the case of illness, Jehovah's Witnesses are not allowed to pray for healing since they believe God no . You shall believe that only 144000 will go to heaven. That is Satans birthday and about all things evil and Satanic. Join or volunteer at any other charitable organization such as the Red Cross, the Lions Club, the Salvation Army, etc. Wear anything other than business attire to meetings. Its a religion that basically says you have to believe what the elders teach you, if you question those teachings to any extent you will be reprimanded up to possibly being disfellowshipped. You shallnot attend Alcoholics Anonymous. You shallnot attend religious education that is not from Jehovahs Witnesses. Receive a blood transfusion, even in a life-threatening medical emergency. The married woman contacted YouTubers To Catch a Cheater after she had her doubts about her husband being faithful. Men with men, your father's wife, your sister, a mother and a daughter, bestiality, etc. The Levi priest copied and compiled the content of became the OT in 587 BCE while in captivity. It is against their doctrines and they take this very seriously. Serve in the military or any of its supporting roles. You shouldnot watch movies that involve spiritism. Hemodilution is a conscience matter. He only cares about the condition of our hearts. He does have a point about John 8:44, though. The English translation is irrelevant. The origin of this rule is unclear, but it's believed that it has to do something with the rise of transgender people among the JWs. These rules are requirements. Jehovah's Witnesses are a patriarchal society where women are to view men as their head and only men can hold positions of responsibility and teaching in the congregation. Elders shouldvisit members who do not voluntarily preach regularly. According to, the official online resource for Jehovah's Witnesses, birthdays are thought to "displease God" in part due to their supposed roots in Paganism. (Red Flag) They and others have also changed the wordings of scriptures to fit their doctrines and ideology. My mom said that Mormons are Devil Worshippers and I had to correct her because Mormons are Mormons and Devil Worshippers are Satanists. Engage in any homosexual activity or accept the homosexual behavior of others. Apply for a divorce without proving to the elders that their spouse is guilty of adultery. Question or reject any Jehovahs Witness teachings or beliefs. Sorry for the ramble, but I have spent a lifetime trying to make sense of the Bible, and I cant. You shallnot live in a house with someone of the opposite sex unless you are married to them. Any of the cult members (myself included previously) will NEVER accept being misled and demonizing anyone who speaks out of the faith. My parents became witnesses when I was 6, my dad was disfellowshipped when I was around 12, so our whole family left the truth. Abel was after all the inventor of killing, as he had mauled innocent sheep. The fact that they cannot see what theyve done and what they are doing is exactly what happens to people in a cult. Satan was not even thought of as Satan as we think of him until the NT. ****. The personality of the Father described by Jesus doesnt seem anything like the violent god of the O.T. Youll eventually see the hypocrisy that you are actively defending. because of the initial sense of being accepted whatever your circumstances. You shallbelieve that Babylon the Great is the world empire of false religion. Thank you. Their belief system based on the bible's principles differs markedly to the perceived norms of today's. Elders shalldisfellowship anyone who breaks the rules. Today, various denominations of fundamentalist Mormonism continue to practice polygamy. Is it easy to get an internship at Microsoft? Fractions of the primarycomponents are a conscience matter. Blessings. When I attended those meetings. You shouldnot get involved in union strikes. Ask a question that is outside what they are told to think (or taught not to talk about) and you get something like 404 page not found Here I am, 42, married to a worldly woman, and I still feel the repercussions of that decision. They have rules for all types of human activities. You shoulddo your best to keep your environment clean. I was charitable and took his hovah as howah, but I felt I wanted to point that out as well. You shallnot read non-Jehovahs Witness religious literature. Thankfully I came to my senses and realized that hitting children should never be acceptable. You shouldaccept that the Two Witnesses in Revelation 11 are all those who take the lead: Governing Body, the Branch Offices, Body of Elders, Circuit Overseers and Recommended Brothers. Women shallnot pray in the presence of baptized men other than exceptional circumstances. Worse yet, my other sibling broke nearly every single rule but was never subjected to the horror they put my brother through. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. You shallnot have your baptism nullified. Jehovah's Witness and Cremation. The effects of these penalties also vary. The New Testament is made up only of the books that the Catholic Church authorized. Casual dating for example, is not ok. Witnesses reject the doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary, who they believe bore more children after Jesus. You shouldbe rebaptized if at that time of baptism you were engaging in a practice that would have resulted in being disfellowshipped. You wont be able to speak with your friends and family. You shallbelieve that our current interpretation of generation, including our non-biblical creation of the over-lapping generation is the true interpretation of its biblical meaning. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that they have the one and only true religion and that their Governing Body is appointed by God himself. Pursue friendships with anyone who is not a Jehovahs Witness. You should not sing halloween songs, accept treats or give treats on Halloween night. DIVISION OVER PRAYER: Family prayer time is greatly affected if the spouse is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, because Jehovah's Witnesses believe that prayers should be directed exclusively to "Jehovah God" and women are not permitted to pray aloud in the presence of a man. You shouldbelieve that Jesus is mankinds means of approaching Jehovah. Then there are the rules that a membershallfollow. You shallnot engage in interfaith activities such as prayer, rituals and ceremonies. You shouldnot stand for your countrys national anthem unless you were already standing. You shouldnot put too much emphasis on your career. Its for informational purposes only. You shouldnot make your prayers repetitive. You shouldnotattend religious social events. Youshould believe that any previous false teachings was Jehovah not giving full knowledge of doctrine until the proper time. (Rebuttals Sushi no. THEY DONT READ THE BOOK let alone learn HEBREW LIKE I DID. You shouldnot get marriedby religious institutions that are not Jehovahs Witnesses. Pledge allegiance to a country or its flag. These are rules that are not requirements. Women and Submission. What happens to atoms during chemical reaction? There is no satan, just your own unchecked evil! You shall not believe that the soul survives death. It also says that Witness women cannot teach unless no men are available, and when they do they must wear head coverings to show "submission to the headship arrangement.". You shouldrecord the number of hours you preach per month. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the principles and commands found in the Bible can help us to make decisions that both please God and benefit us. Do Jehovahs Witnesses have rules about dating? You shallnot be baptized in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit. I cant see the logic of how Im attired makes any difference to God or my wish to know more about a religious group with the possibility of being a member. You shouldnot take another Jehovahs Witness to court. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Jehovahs Witnesses have very strict dating rules. Could you please tel me about, I appreciate. I am 54 now and my parents in their 70s and they are still going strong with it. Study and know what you are getting into. No matter who that may be; children, parents, spouse, etc. You shouldnot give or send flowers if there is a religious connection to flowers at funerals in your locale. But I agree. You shallnot divorce unless one marriage partner committed adultery. Be careful what you do and worship ONLY GOD and NOT man. I told him she stands for goodness and kindness ,what dont you like? You shouldbelieve that baptized members who disassociate fromthe religion are to be regarded as the anti-christ. You shallshun an unbaptized publisher (preacher), who unrepentantly breaks Gods laws. Photo by Simona Granati - Corbis/Corbis via Getty ImagesA husband and wife are dead at a Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall in Thorton, Colorado, in what local police are investigating as a homicide.The Thornton Police Department posted a news release to Twitter stating that an adult male shot and killed his wife before dying by suicide. The purpose of dating is marriage. You shallnot read or listen to any apostate media. In Jeremiah there is a particularly striking statement: "Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you." (Jeremiah 3:14) Perusal of the context reveals that the appeal is addressed to the northern kingdom . A Jehovah's Witness is a member of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Enlil was pure evil and is actually the one referred to by the god Yahweh. CompareJoshua 10:13&Numbers 21;14. wasnt. Say a prayer in the presence of a Jehovahs Witness man. The fact that his sisters are Jehovah's Witnesses and the fact that he waited until you were committed to marrying him before he started "studying" to join this religion makes us wonder if he had prior experience in this religion and has just been waiting for the right time to bring this religion into your relationship. These rules govern each and every member of Jehovah's Witnesses. You shouldaccept that the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT) is the most accurate bible. Numb to birthdays and holidays. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Breaking any of these rules comes with penalties. You shoulduse your conscience when deciding to put down a very sick or old animal. My mom and dad gave me the OK to stay or leave. And then some rules seem a little bit ludicrous. Jehovahs Witnesses are given strict rules when it comes to dressing and grooming. Youshould be prepared to face the consequences of not reporting for jury duty if done in spite of the insistence of a judge. If one is cautioned, it may or may not affect her social or theocratic standing within her congregation. Are the Jehovah Witnesses required to give everything to JW?? I pray God will show Himself and His marvelous love to you. They can't believe anything former Jehovah's Witnesses say, - even if it's factual. Homosexuality is forbidden and is subject to severe punishment. As a result, the person that the future wife or husband knows is the . Birthday celebrations can be . You shalllimit your association with persons who aremarked. You shallput forth a very strenuous effort to avoid a blood transfusion, especially if it is court ordered. Fear of judgment or reprisals from your peers or guilt by not following the FFDS which is directed by Jehovah, disappointment from Almighty God. In the begin of the video her mother (92 years) who has been a Jehovah's Witness for over 60 years. If you take the Bible seriously, which I dont. You shouldnot believe that the Earth was created in 24 hour periods. You shouldaccept the definition of apostates as defined by Jehovahs Witnesses literature. Go on a date without the supervision of a reputable chaperone. Shunning known as disfellowship among Jehovah's Witness is a punishment implemented by a panel of elders and calls on all other members of the congregation to reject the person both. Receive artificial insemination using any semen other than their husbands. Chances are they will include such behaviors as murder and genocide, animal and human sacrifice, torture, child abuse, animal abuse, theft, slavery, rape, incest, cannibalism, betrayal and lying. None of them refers to disaster (which is a noun). "On a day that's historically associated with joy, family . Just a big nothing burger! You shouldnot associate with non-Jehovahs Witnesses except for when it is unavoidable. Learn how your comment data is processed. Tell him to slowly "fade" away, to slowly stop going to meetings, to carefully remove himself from all areas of the religion and do his best to avoid the elders. Elders shallnot report serious sins such as rape, child abuse or child sexual abuse to Law Enforcement Agencies unless required to do so by secular law. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. If you are a Christian and adhere to Christ, as a believer you will find this organization has as much truth as spontaneous life. Youshallnot run for political office or take up a political office. Jehovah's Witnesses have a 130-year history, are in 230 lands and have seven million members. The retailers already have the trees and decorations in the stores and its not even Halloween (another fake one). You shallnot work inan abortion clinic, in any capacity. Women shallnot serve as elders or ministerial servants. You shallnot gamble, participate in lotteries or any type of prize draw that relies on luck, even if the money goes to charity. Skirts or dresses shouldcover the womens knees. Women shallnot wear pants to kingdom halls. What is the divorce rate among Jehovahs Witnesses? Even as adults, Jehovahs Witnesses couples who are dating are forbidden from being alone and require a chaperone at all times, even in public. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You shall believe that Jehovah is Gods name. Hi there, Im a non-religious guy with a JW friend who Im concerned for. 3 years ago. You shallnot work for a tobacco company, in any capacity. Rebekah Vardy is making her first post-Wagatha Christie trial TV show - a Channel 4 documentary about Jehovah's Witnesses Credit: Getty. You shouldaccept that the entire Protestantcanonof scripture is the only accurate compilation of bible books. 1. Some of the things they say around other people embarasses me, because everything they are taught is by the Society, and just a group of old men that dont know shit about shit. You shouldbelieve that the seven angelic trumpet blasts of Revelation began to sound in 1922. By that I mean the actions and message of Jesus dont seem to follow on from the books in the O.T., apart from the prophesy of a Messiah. Jehovah's Witnesses targeted by Russia's anti-extremism laws simply for practising their pacifist faith, say campaigners Jehovah's Witnesses Church 'did not report more than 1,000. You shouldconfess your sins to the elders. They can be considered as recommendations. That said, I still have relatives that are witnesses, and I hope the best for them. These rules govern each and every member of Jehovahs Witnesses. It is not the job of the concordance to judge whether a translation is correct or not. You shallnot re-marry after a divorce ifyou made it clear that you forgave your marriage partner for committing adultery, or if neither marriage partner committed adultery. Life-Threatening medical emergency have the trees and decorations in the presence of men! To point that out as well sorry for the ramble, but I felt I to. 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