Nope nope nope. Think that commute is under an hour. Most of of commute by car during typical rush-hour traffic is that helps. I miss some things about city life, but I dont miss city commutes, and I will have to be living somewhere amazing to go back to that kind of lifestyle. LA would only be about 100k, but F that. I think it is very hard to understand LA geography without spending some time driving there (and you can spend decades there without seeing or interacting with 2/3 of it, depending on the corridors you frequent). Count your commute as work hours when you start looking for a new job. Could easily be an hour. That doesnt seem sustainable or realistic. Theres a reason why people in Southern California give distances in time and not in miles. But at night traffic honestly doesnt clear up till like 7:30-8 pm here which is an hour before my bed time. I currently live between OC and LA and love where I am its cheap, quiet, pretty and all my friends are here. However, you have to decide for yourself whether or not this is okay with you. I had a guest tell me, I drove from the Griffith Observatory to the Santa Monica pier and it took me an hour. I told him that hed been incredibly fortunate. But Ive done the 90-minute standing each way commute too. My dad worked in Anaheim, 10, maybe 15 minute drive from home. I used to do a 2+ hour commute for an internship, but it was because it involved multiple public transit connectionsit was not pleasant. Hosted by people who live in SoCal. Get More TikTok Followers Tip 2: Use SidesMedia Another great option for gaining more TikTok followers is to use the services provided by SidesMedia. That aside though, if both you and the guy work in LA, why not just move there? Im a slight woman, Asian, in my mid twenties and took the train from LB to DTLA for work. Its a trade-off. Now my commute is 10-15 minutes, depending on when I leave for work. Even a cab will take me about 30 minutes due to rush hour traffic. It gave up just about all of that when it converted to the freeway religion. I have other friends that live/travel on public transport in LA who get harassed by creeps, the homeless, & mentally ill people on almost a daily basis. I have friends who live in Orange County and have two hour commutes each way. The roads are bad (potholes that could eat a car), and all the ways to my suburb are sketchy. London based and an hour door to door is my rule of thumb. Yeah, my husband currently commutes from Arlington to the Laurel/College Park-ish area. Its the east to west part that makes it a shitshow. Driving is at least an hour and twenty minutes and it is killing me. Best of luck in finding a solution! They ended up going with the one on the east side of town because my dad realized during his practice commutes (which were the same distance and traffic time) that coming from the east side meant he never had to drive into the sun. Right now my partner leaves for work at 5am so that he can beat traffic, which is kind of miserable but at least he has the ability to work flexible hours so he can do it. It depends on your definition of L.A. A lot of people here consider L.A. the entire county, not just Los Angeles proper, and the county is huge. AZ for the win. The average commute [] I dont live in LA, but I visit frequently and have close friends who do live there. It turned what used to be a 2-hour commute for me to an hours drive. It would be completely intolerable. But I pay for that convenience. This kind of commute sounds incredibly draining! Its horrible LA drivers (sorry I said it), I constantly see accidents or almost accidents, its just stressful as hell. We have people commuting to our company near LAX from far and wide, including Thousand Oaks, Pasadena, Long Beach and even Riverside County. If the commute turns out to be terrible, look into renting a room at someone's apartment or house (or even in a nearby extended day or hotel, if that's financially feasible). In LA its particularly important to live in a neighborhood thats not awful for getting to your job and other things you do on a regular basis. I personally would rather have the time and am fine with living in a tiny house, so I pay more to live closer. And now that I have a 20-25 minute commute 3 days a week (telework two days a week), I dont think I could go back. Since your boss wants you to stay late, maybe youll miss the bulk of the evening traffic. My last contract was about 40 miles away from my domicile and I drove. I worked swing shift, which helped, but I also had a sports car, which I *loved* to drive! I found this very helpful while job searching. I think this contributes to the OPs frustration and burnout, and Im glad to see shes taking steps (as she mentioned in a comment) to get a better situation for herself. We ended up being held at gunpoint by gang members who thought it was funny to mess with the freaky looking punk rockers. I work in DC and commute from less than 8 miles away. I live in a city with ample pubic transit, but I prefer to drive. I recently watched a special on TV about super commuters defined as people who commute 90 minuets or more one way. I dont think there are any good options here for your. Drive to bus station. Its terrifying how easily delays can whipcrack along a chain of traffic. In LA only 3% travel more than 90 minutes. 30-45 on a good day. When I lived in LA, I made a point of living as close to work as possible, because I knew the commute times were terrible. Awesome! What can you sustain long term without living in misery? 1. Its true, if you leave after 3pm, its a parking lot. It sounds like your worry is more about the neighborhoods, so maybe it would help you to look up the crime statistics for the Blue Line. I did undergrad outside of LA. Has nobody mentioned the total amazingness that is this stats website? Walk. to my office in Belmont, Mass. I live in Orange County and work in Burbank. Or you know, just doing the laundry. 2 hour commute twice a week. OP, two hours might be fine for some people and might not be unusual in your area, but if you are finding it frustrating then Id say go ahead and either move or look for work closer to home. LA traffic is just brutal. stop and go. Which also has me worried about what if I get into an accident? Why?! Long rural commutes can be hard on your gas budget and wear and tear on your car, though. I have a good job at a good organization that Im not willing to leave, and trying to find work in a different state is a difficult endeavor. ), I can move back. Mr. Town used to live in Atlanta and would like to move back (family), but now, having gotten used to our level of traffic and commute, it is going to take a lot for us to actually get back there. My husband worked in Culver City. Im pretty sure there are days when it would be faster to *walk* to downtown from my neighborhood than to drive (Google says ~2 hours, and Google thinks people walk slowly, so I could probably do it in 1.5ish). Homelessness is a big issue on the Metro. In the US it'd probably be considered living close to work! Yeah, I already do the gym thing. I have a sister who lives in rural Washington state, and one morning while I was visiting, she warned that wed be stuck in traffic to go to the restaurant she had in mind. If OP reads this and thinks, You know, thats not at all the tone hes using, and I dont think hes trying to convince me Im foolish for feeling stressed about this, then hooray. Yep. I drove, did public transport and frankly, I gave up and moved. Dallas area 10 min commute here and the commute was a huge factor in our decision to buy in this area. I work in the East Bay, and people in my office commute from Tracy, Manteca, Stockton, Merced, Sacramento, Vallejo. The thing is though the San Fran executive team were basically like this is normal and our team in San Fran commutes 2 hours so you shouldnt have a problem with adjusting your commute for a new office location. oops, replied in the wrong place, but at least it sorta fits here! Topping the list of metro areas with high rates of mega commuting are San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA (2.06%), New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-PA (1.90%), Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV (1.89%), Trenton-Ewing NJ Metropolitan Statistical Area (1.40%), and Los Angeles-Long Beach-Santa Ana, CA (1.25%). Ouchhhh. How can I make my drive to work more productive? This one lady lived down in San Jose- not too far, but right down the dreaded 880. I did that for 6 weeks and It felt like 2 years. My mom w0rked at a place that was 25 min from our house if you hit it right, but most days it took her 2+ hours. On the road by 6AM This current 10 minute commute is my reward for all those winter road commutes on the highway. If it doesnt work or he says no, I think looking for another job or moving closer is the next step. But the two blocks on either side of the 405 took 30 minutes. I live in the suburbs and work in a mid-Atlantic city. not trying to say you should walk instead, just emphasizing how silly that time is!). So, a typical commute for me was about 1.5-2 hrs and it absolutely did wear on me. That said, in OC and some parts of LA county, it is entirely possible to work minutes away from your residence, or find alternate routes, or work non-peak traffic hours. The time, the increased risk of harm, the wear and tear on your car and nerves. Nope nope nope. Facepalm, I just saw that you already do this. Now I commute 15 minutes to work but its a minimum of 90 minutes to get to a city of any size with anything interesting to do, even with no traffic. This is interesting because my husband recently took a job in a middle-of-nowhere college town where the only jobs besides university-related ones are in the service or healthcare industry (neither of which Im qualified for), so Im looking for work in the nearest city, two hours away. That sound horrible. If I took the metro, the trip would be more expensive though it would take approximately the same amount of time, and I wouldnt be able to sleep and the process wouldnt be as pleasant: the commuter train has outlets at each seat, a bathroom or two, and food and drinks are allowed (even adult beverages if you are not disruptive). Around Chicago, my commute is a 30-40 minute drive from suburb to suburb (Schaumburg/Elgin to Mt. Hate to say it, but 2 hours, while over the average, isnt that outrageous. They loathed it, and so for the past 30 years my dads worked from home and my moms worked within walking distance of our house. Thats a really rough schedule (50 hours a week is no joke), and it doesnt sound ridiculous at all! Oh, OP, I feel for you. I would have left a merely very good job a couple of years ago. The only thing that would slow me down was if the drawbridge was up (Seriously, a drawbridge on a major freeway). The best to hope for in the car is audiobooks and podcasts. Mine is 35-45 minutes by public transport, and thats about my limit. Its not just the drive time, its the stress. Yeah, that's nothing on the grand scale of things. 30s, 53, female here. Unfortunately no. The worst might have been a twenty minute commute that required three different trains, travelling in a U shape. I would say 45-60 minutes seems to be the norm among my colleagues with a few outliers either way. Door to door its 1.5 hours each way, but as other said, at least I can read and listen to music on the train. FASCINATING. I live in a big city with a lot of surrounding suburbs that makes a huge metro area. You will feel like a whole new person when you find a reasonable commute. My employers local office is in Seattle, and I used to live within walking distance. It doesnt have to be. One more option Commuter Express buses! No kidding! Would commuting to DC from Fredericksburg be doable if Would having the CompTIA trifecta and two years desktop Would this large litter box with a grate be suitable for Would having the better debt to income and an extra 500 a What do your partners family do that they think is normal What was the dumbest rule your school thought up? How does it feel living this close to the FBI? Youll feel like you have a life AND traffic wont be as much of an issue. Silly question: why not bike or even walk instead? Its being confirmed here by all the people that live in CA. Hi, OP! But a 2 hour commute in LA is not at all unusual. I actually kind of enjoy my commute now instead of dreading it every day! Get horror and comedy with My Favorite Murder! When I was a kid my grandpa had a ranch in Mariposa, and Merced was the closest city (and it was a boondocks city back then!). My commute is 1 hr and 45 minutes door to door, assuming no train delays. Doing a recomp will also depend massively on your diet and sleep quality. People love to gripe about traffic, but it only will make you feel worse. My longest commute was when I first started working, and it was just over an hour each way. But hands down the worst was the guy who commuted all the way from Tracy, nearly 50 miles away. This was a guaranteed 2 hours each way (45 mins on the train +11 miles of biking) but at least I got to tune out for the train ride for a bit. I didnt want to go ahead and find a place in Anaheim and then find out I was gonna have to commute to Burbank every morning. It was so, so good for my physical and mental well being. I used to commute to San Francisco from Redwood City and even taking the express train and express bus to the financial district and back it still took me 2 2 1/2 hours per day (twenty minutes of that was driving the one mile home from the train station), and I thought that was a lot. Would any of those get you there faster? I also had one experience of an urban fantasy / paranormal romance audiobook getting a little heated while I was in the bumper to bumper traffic and have mostly sworn off listening to those in the car now, heh. I spent as much time changing trains as travelling. I moved out of state and ended up driving anywhere from 35 90 minutes one way to work, depending on traffic, what time I left, and if there was a fender bender on the one highway I could feasibly take to my job. Seattle commutes can be 2 hours for 30 minutes as well. It can be perfectly normal to have this commute in some locations, and some companies accommodate that (allowing flexibility for traffic jams/weather, offset working hours, working 4/10s.) I now live in Central CA and have a 30 minute commutebut its 25 miles. Many (MANY) years ago, when I was a teenager, I was walking with some friends looking for a party, and we turned right when we should have turned left. Ive wished a million times I had never bought a house. He mostly works an 11am-7pm schedule so his commute is only 45 min. Long hours, stress and the commute just made it unsustainable. Now Im in NM and oh my, its wonderful and I never ever want to go back to a big city. The average commute keeps getting LONGER. I lived about 8 miles away from work, and it routinely took me 30-40 minutes to get to work, depending on the traffic. Of course that means you have to pay Dublin rent prices. Always awful unless I did seriously shifted hours. It was 27 miles, and 2 hours one way most days. Oh no! Unfortunately, as the cost of housing rises in major cities, more people are living outside of them, meaning more traffic. I live in the Haight (middle of the city) and commute to AT&T Park area, which is basically deep on the other side of the city. If you cant move, or change your hours, but you dont want to quit, you should find a way to make that time part of your life: language-learning course, books youve always wanted to read, a new broadway show each week that you learn by heart, etc. *shudder*, Working remote is much better! No thanks! I am also a native Southern Californian, and while I wouldnt go so far as to say 2 hours is completely normal, it is not at *all* unusual. Yeah, LA you have to be pretty particular about where you live vs where you work. I would live here over LA any day of the week. Later in the day, though, its another stories. I remember that nonsense too- Before I relocated from West San Jose to Solano County 10 years ago (before this latest boom)- i had to leave my house for my 8 mile commute between 6:04-6:08am- if i missed that window (and yes, it really was that specific) my commute went from 30 minutes on the 880 towards Tremble in Santa Clara to 60-75 minutes. Worst might have been a twenty minute commute that required three different trains, travelling in a city ample. Love where I am its cheap, 2 hour commute twice a week, pretty and all my friends are here three different,... Count your commute as work hours when you start looking for a new job till like 7:30-8 here. Who thought it was just over an hour door to door, assuming no train.... Pier and it absolutely did wear on me good options here for your good. The 405 took 30 minutes due to rush hour traffic Jose- not too,. 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