She went crook at him when she found out that he ate all the chocolates. Hes feeling pretty blue at the moment. Similar to the phrase Up shit creek without a paddle. The word turps is an abbreviation of turpentine, and refers to the practice of very badly-off alcoholics (winos) sinking to the low level of drinking turpentine (containing terpene alcohols) or methylated spirits (denatured alcohol), as a cheap alcoholic beverage (in spite of the dire health consequences). buggered = [1] Broken down, not working, e.g. Not sure. [See the entry: spat the dummy.]. A divvy vandivvy van = Divisional van; a police vehicle, based upon a utility vehicle design, with a lockable rear section, used to transport prisoners (sometimes referred to as a paddy wagon); can also be spelt as divvie van. Gropers = An abbreviated form of Sandgropers, i.e. Ozzie) : Australian Aussie salute : brushing away flies with the hand Avos : avocados B B & S : Bachelors' and Spinsters' Ball - a very enjoyable party usually held in . bog = Toilet (crapper, dunny, loo, shitter, water closet). The earliest published example located for give it a burl, Shirl is from 2005. Similar to Take a hike. A Furphy water cartfurphy = A rumour. Johno = John. You stay there, Ill get the drinks, its my shout. The phrase within coo-ee denotes a manageable distance, whereas not within coo-ee denotes somewhere far away. like a chook with its head cut off = A reference to someone who is behaving in an erratic or foolish manner; e.g. pick the eyes out = To acquire the best parts of something, e.g. FIFO = [1] Acronym for Fit In or Fuck Off. gday cobber = Another way to say Hello mate or Good day to you, my friend. arsed = Dont feel like doing something, not in the mood to do something, cant be bothered, e.g. Tools. The Institute of Australian Culture Aussie Cossie = Swimwear; Speedos (Speedos are an Aussie cossie, as they are regarded as good Australian-designed bathers, i.e. flick = Get rid of, e.g. : I don't agree. more often than not comes with root rot. We fanged it out of there. But despite not having quite the established vernacular some other countries and cultures may boast, Australian slang words have become globally adored. If you do not wish to be offended, then please do not read any further. fair go = To have fair treatment, e.g. Also spelt little Johnnie. Aussie is the best country in the world, Holden is an Aussie car. (UK, slang) male ejaculate; semen (UK, slang) to ejaculate noun (countable, obsolete) A spark. Used in the rhyming parody prayer for dinnertime, Two, four, six, eight; bog in, dont wait. Used in the term Aussie battler. Aussie Slang. Its a bit of an old bomb. He got the flick from work the other day (i.e. She is a "root rat" She's a bit of a "root rat" That chick is a "root rat" by David Clarke February 2, 2005. Aussie slang for "sandwich". bullshit artist = Someone who says a lot of bullshit, i.e. Davo, Jacko, Johno, Robbo, Stevo, and Tommo (David, Jack, John, Robert, Steve, and Tom). How ya goin? blower = Telephone, e.g. Derived from the rumours men swapped with each other when gathered at water carts (many of which used to have the brand name on them of the Shepparton manufacturing company called J. Furphy & Sons); especially applies to a rumour or story which is untrue or which sounds unlikely to be true. Similar to the phrase Bun in the oven (e.g. bookie = A bookmaker (professional betting men who accept bets at racetracks). refo = Abbreviation for refugee; can also be spelt as reffo, e.g. Sandgropers = Western Australians. Im going to the bottle shop to get some grog. Thats BS!, William BuckleyBuckleys chance = Low chance or no chance of something happening, e.g. Similar to the phrase Dont get your panties in a twist. My TV wont work anymore, its cactus! (its cactus is similar to its carked it). He donged him on the head. drongo = Someone who is an idiot, stupid, clumsy or worthless, e.g. Aussie = [2] Australia, or something from Australia; e.g. he was really cut when he got the sack, his girlfriend left him and he was really cut up about it. sweet as = Awesome, fantastic, really good, terrific, e.g. Mu slopehead = An Asian person (a derogatory term). spunk rat spunked spunkie spunkier Spunkier spunkiest Spunkiest spunk in English dictionary . You bewdy!; may be called out when something good happens. C. J. Dennis Mate is what we say here. Ive known him for yonks. When the English language was exported, English took on another form of it's own. shithouse = [2] No good, e.g. What else did you get for Christmas? Im not sure about this chicken in the fridge, I think its a bit iffy. 1b. bag of fruit = Rhyming slang for suit (can also be abbreviated to bag). FIFO = [2] Acronym for Fly In, Fly Out, referring to workers (particularly regarding mine workers in remote areas of Western Australia) who fly in to a remote locations, work for two to three weeks, then fly back to their homes for a week or so, and then fly back to work again. give it a burl = To have a go at doing something, to attempt to do something, e.g. he missed crashing into the truck by a bees dick, he was a bees dick away from being sacked. A. G. Stephens Go bite your bum, chum. nana = A banana. 125 Common Australian Slang Words, Terms and Phrases 1. ); pike out. Early in 2017, the Australian pie company Four'N Twenty expressed its concern that Australians hadn't been "slinging slang" enough, and so launched its "Save Our Slang" campaign, aimed at promoting some 70 you-beaut, dinky-di, true-blue Aussie-isms ( bloke, bogan, grouse . It is flippant, irreverent, indecorous; it may be indecent or obscene." Slightly confusing, right? Fair go, mate! as a demand for fair treatment. Also rendered as Send er down, Hughie! or Send it down, Hughie!. havent got a brass razoo = Being poor; a reference to a (non-existent) worthless coin, e.g. A dingos breakfast has been described as a piss and a look around [ref.] Similar to the phrase Damn you to hell. Have a geek at this!; not to be confused with the term geek referring to a studious person, bookworm, or nerd. Account & Lists Returns & Orders. = A line from the chorus of the song Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again, by The Angels; in public performances, it is common practice for the crowd to follow the line by jumping in with the response No way, get fucked, fuck off!, chanted in tune with the music. Derived from the early years of South Australia, when food was short, and it was said that people in South Australia were shooting crows to cook and eat them. That expression, maybe only in Sydney, was Shot through like a Bondi tram,. in the clothes he wears, he looks like a real dag; possibly from the dried mess (dag) of dirt and droppings that adheres to a sheeps rear end. Australians are generally a very easy-going bunch, and this is often reflected in how they speak. I am ignorant of that usage for arsey. buggered = [2] Very tired, exhausted; e.g. cracked = [2] To attempt to strike up a relationship so as to establish a sexual liaison, e.g. K = Kilometer (abbreviation), e.g. goog = An egg, e.g. Some are in current widespread use, whilst others are not; some may be derived or taken from overseas slang, but most are unique to Australia. [See the entry: cockies.]. See the following list: use your loaf = Use your head, think clearly, e.g. A country dunnydunny = Toilet (bog, crapper, loo, shitter, water closet). Far from it - Australian slang has influenced the English language around the world, just as Australian culture has been transported to the world by comedians such as Barry Humphries, TV shows . Aussie Salute - Wave to scare the flies Avo - Avocado Bail - To cancel plans. he bailed her up to talk about her decision. droob = A worthless person, Hes a complete droob. snags = Sausages. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. Hes got a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock. spunk Meanings and definitions of "spunk" (Australian, New Zealand, slang) An attractive person (normally male). opinions are like arseholes, everyones got one = A phrase used to denigrate someones opinion. booze bus = A police van, used as a mobile breath-testing station (for police to determine if a drivers blood alcohol level is over the legal limit). A ute, doing some burn-outsute = A utility vehicle, being a vehicle with a tray behind the seating section (can be an open tray, or a tray with sides and a tailgate at the back). they had a real barney over that one (sometimes spelt as barny). Water the horses. Drink Bonox! bottled = To smash someone (usually over the head) with a bottle, such as in a pub fight, e.g. A list of significant Australiana Anzac = Originally a reference to the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC), it also refers to the members thereof, and is sometimes applied to Australian men in a stereotypical sense (rugged, tough, etc.). wog = [2] Being ill with a bug (germ), e.g. Derived from the large apple-growing industry in Tasmania. Call it Strine, call it Ocker, call it whatever you like, but the way we speak is at the . Similar to a few sandwiches short of a picnic and a few cents short of a dollar. not a dramatic event). He got the arse from work the other day (i.e. parma = A parmigiana. Often depicted as someone with a strong Australian accent, who swears, drinks a lot of beer, and who has very few social graces; stereotyped as wearing (in the heat) shorts, blue t-shirt, and thongs (footwear), with a tinnie or stubbie of beer in his hand. A bandicootbandicoot = Used in reference to someone who is very poor or very unhappy, e.g. = A question asking as to someones state of wellbeing, meaning How are you going? or How are you today?. Queensland: beautiful one day, perfect the next = An advertising catch phrase for the Queensland tourist industry. boardies = An abbreviation of board shorts (bathers or swimwear which look like shorts). Once the cops catch up with him, then itll be all over red rover. Tom wasnt within coo-ee of the town. Hey, come and have a gander at this!. Gods own country = A reference to Australia, or parts thereof, as a paradise on earth. Similar to butchers hook, which is rhyming slang for look (the latter is often abbreviated to simply butchers). he was carrying on like a pork chop. Also spelt hooroo. budgie smugglers = Small tight-fitting bathers (swimming costume) worn by men. Also used to refer to real Australians, e.g. [See the entry: Bandywallop.]. couldnt raffle a chook in a pub = Referring to someone who is incompetent. Strine = A name for Australian slang, or the way Australians speak. rough end of the pineapple = Used in reference to someone getting a raw deal. A long way away, the back of nowhere. Dont ask him to play, hes a bit of a sook. beauty = Something of good quality, e.g. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names a zza suffix, e.g. clippie = A tram conductor (who would clip tram tickets, using a hole punch). youse = You all; you guys. dead horse = Rhyming slang for sauce, usually regarding tomato sauce. Ive just paid all of my bills, and now Ive got bugger all money left. pong = A bad smell, e.g. This is part of the Australia tradition of giving various names an o suffix, e.g. He got the bullet from work (i.e. List and definition of Australian Slang, Local Lingo and Unique Phrases. Of course, slang is in the eye of . Drop Bear, Scientific name: Thylarctos plummetus, Cant bear em: how GPS is helping to track drop bears, Advance Australia Fair: How the song became the Australian national anthem, Under the Southern Cross I Stand [the Australian cricket teams victory song], A billabong: Goulbourn River [postcard, 27 November 1907], The New to the Old [poem by Randolph Bedford, 3 January 1896], New Year greetings [postcard, early 20th Century], [A Very Charming Gentleman] [poem by C. J. Dennis], Click Go the Shears [folk music, lyrics; traditional Australian song, 1890s], The Bard and the Lizard [poem by John Shaw Neilson], Rommels comments on Australian soldiers [1941-1942], Queensland [poem by Philip Durham Lorimer], The Man from Snowy River [poem by Banjo Paterson], Arvie Aspinalls alarm clock [short story by Henry Lawson], Frying Pans Theology [poem by Banjo Paterson]. Similar to the term yall (you all), as used in the southern states of the USA. Similar to faffing around. Im going to see the relos at Christmas. The basics G'day Hello, hi. bodgy = Something of dubious worth, e.g. knock your block off = To hit someone in the head, e.g. they became great friends, they got on like a house on fire. The phrase bugger it means damn it. cockies = [2] Often a derogatory term for poor bush farmers, possibly from having land so poor that they were jokingly said to only be able to farm cockies (cockatoos, a type of bird); however, it is now often used to refer to farmers in general. Buck's night: Aussie equivalent of 'bachelor party' or 'stag party'. The phrase seems to have gained currency around January 2009, prompted by a widely-shared photo of a map of Australia (with the slogan) mounted on what appears to be the fence of a tennis court. Whilst buggery does not specifically mean hell, it serves the same function as hell as used in common phrase Go to hell. Raymond, I am familiar with this phrase from as long as I can remember growing up in country SA especially common on the footy field! lol . Finding an adorable nickname for your sweetie-pie little guy should be no trouble at all. bomb = A no-good car, of bad appearance, or poor mechanical worth, e.g. They hadnt seen each other in ages, so when they caught up they had a real good chinwag. Throw a few snags on the barbie and you'll have happy guests. I cant be bothered to go out today. as used in the song I come from a land down under. She bottled her boyfriend in a spat, He seems really angry, it looks like hes going to bottle someone. Similar to no dramas. garbo = Garbage man; the person who comes along in a truck to collect your rubbish. that cake was massive, it was gi-normous; can also be spelt as ginormous. gutless wonder = A coward, i.e. dinkum = Genuine, authentic, on the level, e.g. Fair go, mate. He really thinks hes the bees knees, doesnt he?. chardonnay socialists = Leftists from well-off socio-economic backgrounds. bush bashing = Driving around in the bush, especially where there are no roads or only tracks (especially used regarding four wheel drive vehicles). In the last race, he just bolted it in. That new pub looks alright, I think Ill sus it out. clocked = To have hit someone, e.g. Gor blimey, I ate too much, Im as full as a goog. Lucy Everett Homfray [See the entry: dead-set drongo.]. Fair suck of the sav, give him a chance. DESERT RATS - Rats of Tobruk. blind Freddie = A phrase used in comparison to establish something that is obvious or easy, e.g. Similar to a few cents short of a dollar, a few sangers short of a barbie, a couple of lamingtons short of a CWA meeting, and a stubbie short of a six pack. Fair dinkum, thats what happened. Addition is Dry as a dead Dingoes dong, Thanks for your suggestions, Russell. he did him over. No Foe Shall Gather Our Harvest [poem by Mary Gilmore, 29 June 1940] Shes such a great woman, her bloods worth bottling; hence the term bottler. if someones car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, they might exclaim Bugger! The term is used in the same way as Damn! Overseas visitors should take note that the term bugger is distinct from the original meaning of the terms bugger and buggery, regarding anal intercourse. bog in = To tuck into food, or to eat food with gusto, e.g. Come with us, were goin down the boozer. 2) Drop bears target tourists, study says, Australian Geographic But it s all right for her, she s got a whole smorgasbord selection of classic spunk a reference to foreign countries). But it s all right for her, she s got a whole smorgasbord selection of classic spunk Contemporary slang, spunk-rat Australian Slang sexually attractive person English dialects glossary, spunk n 1a. arced up = A reference to someone being angry or upset, e.g. The women are all avoiding him; hes about as popular as a Jew in Germany (derives from the treatment of Jews in Germany during the period of the Third Reich). Spunk Rat (noun) (Australian slang): An attractive person (usually male). rubber = An eraser (i.e. The phrase has several longer variations, each ending with a reference to a strong wind, such as She bangs like a dunny door in a cyclone / hurricane / gale / high wind / Southerly / storm / wind. ), instead of referring to all Asians in general; this differs to the UK usage of the term, where Asian usually refers to someone of Central Asian ethnicity (from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, etc.). Sometimes abbreviated as dig. cuppa = A cup of tea, or a cup of coffee, e.g. Get yer hand off it, mate, Australian slang is not dying. bloomin = An exclamatory oath (blooming), I cant believe that happened, no bloomin way. Heres the pie, go on, bog in; also used as part of a humorous pre-dinner prayer, being Two, four, six, eight, bog in, dont wait. Someone stole his bike and he chucked a wobbly. an item used to erase pencil markings from paper). Most authorities derive it from spong, a Gaelic word for tinder (itself from the Latin spongia, meaning sponge), hence spark . Shut up, or Ill bonk you on the noggin (i.e. What do you think this is? that car is useless, its shithouse. Drain the dragon? all alone like a country dunny = Someone on their own, or someone who is lonely. was fired; got the sack), bullshit = A term which is used to refer to a lie, to something said that is disagreed with, or to a situation that is disagreed with), e.g. The idea of a life force Contemporary slang, List of lakes in Minnesota This is a list of lakes in Minnesota. Says a lot of bullshit, i.e English language was exported, English took on Another of! Despite not having quite the established vernacular some other countries and cultures may boast Australian... There, Ill get the drinks, its my shout, were goin down the boozer is! Small tight-fitting bathers ( swimming costume australian slang spunk rat worn by men way we speak is at the or good day you... Snags on the level, e.g into food, or someone who is lonely for the queensland tourist.. On fire an exclamatory oath ( blooming ), as a dead Dingoes,. 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