Momma bear is out of hibernation. In Americas War Room he unpacks todays hot topics and their spiritual implications. The process includes removal of biosludge, also known as secondary sludge, from the basins. Sadly, alkaline hydrolysis is only one aspect of the Soylent Green agenda adopted by the global elite. Oklahomansagainst Sewage Sludge. The bill places the use of alkaline hydrolysis for cremating human . That's not an option for your the blood work? PFAS chemicals, which studies have associated with increased risk of cancer and damage to organs such as the liver and thyroid. They're like Cousin Eddiethey come with that load of human sludge, and once they show up, they never leave. This is not science fiction and it isnt a conspiracy. ), Warning No Trespassing Photo from the article: "Application of sewage sludge to farmland can damage environment and human health. These carcinogenic chemicals don't degrade inwell, forever. As Lead Stories reported on May 11, 2021, the CDC, which monitors vaccine reactions and safety, said the opposite: There were no documented deaths due to the Pfizer, Moderna and J&J/Janssen vaccines. He didn't know he was doling out toxic chemical waste by the tonnage. If we take the lead, our great state of Oklahoma could lead the poo-volution. "When approving sludge for use as a fertilizer, EPA looked at chemical and pathogen risks separately without considering that certain chemicals could increase the risk of infection.". Ill let you bake your bread over cow dung instead of human dung.Ezekiel 4:9-15 MSG, PS. People will see that and say, Oh, we cant trust them, well buy from elsewhere, even though, Approximately 25 percent of the individuals surveyed were infected, and, The 54 individuals surveyed lived near 10 land application sites, in Alabama, California, Florida, New Hampshire, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania and Texas. Welcome to 2021 in America, wherethe dead are liquefied and fed to the living, almost like a scene ripped right out ofThe Matrix. We have constituents that care about that and that is a lot of reasons why it is being offered. And now we have body brokers who sell dead human bodies in whole or part. Bill 5001 will take effect on May 1, 2020, allowing for human corpses to undergo a process known as liquid cremation, whereby alkaline hydrolysis is used to turn rotting flesh and bones into an organic fertilizer sludge. Just wondering. . BarbaraLovettandSandra Clinger, Animal Advocates Radio Voices Carry For Animals #374- Watchdog Mary Journalist, Animal Advocates Radio Voices Carry For Animals #373- Staci-lee Sherwood , At last, the truth about vast damage the COVID vaccines have done. Sludge begins as human waste, manufacturing chemicals, landfill runoffessentially, anything that flows down a drain, which makes knowing its contents nearly impossible. S. aureus is commonly found in the lower human colon and tends to invade irritated or inflamed tissue. Some citizens have had enoughRobertson County residents filed a lawsuit against the Humanure company that is distributing "Tycowas Music City Gold is an alternative fertilizer made from biosolids also known as treated human waste. It's easy enough to see whosigned up for free sludge in Oklahoma. : Lead Stories is working with the CoronaVirusFacts/DatosCoronaVirus Alliance, a coalition of more than 100 fact-checkers who are fighting misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the Entertainment Editor, she investigated Hollywood stories and conducted interviews with A-list celebrities and reality stars. He has published ten books, including the highly acclaimed One Nation without Law., green recycling combatting climate change, Fauci Headlined Panel With Wuhan Lab Gain Of Function Adviser, Gov. Because thats exactly where much of it will go, especially when liquid cremation ends up being flushed down the drain or toilet and into the local sewer system. Learn more about the alliance here. Bake the muffins out in the open where everyone can see you, using dried human dung for fuel.GOD said, This is what the people of Israel are going to do: Among the pagan nations where I will drive them, they will eat foods that are strictly taboo to a holy people. I said, GOD, my Master! These are also used in virtually every condiment commonly used to improve taste. Its been devastating. Yes, but we refuse to feed our milking animals hay that has been fertilized with Sewage Sludge and PFAS. In the UK, a public crematorium was the first to receive permission to begin using alkaline hydrolysis, but in March 2017 local water utilitySevern Trent Water refused the councils application for a trade effluent permit because there was no water industry standard regulating the disposal of liquified human remains into sewers. Bryant explained to Lead Stories via phone on May 19, 2021, that the bill, which pertains to a method of cremation and is not targeted to any specific manner of death, was not going to turn remains into liquefied goo to spread on crops. Being "sustainable" and "green" apparently now means eating food grown from dead humans, as the state of Washington recently unveiled new legislation that would allow for human remains to be converted into "organic fertilizer" for food crops.. Mirroring what was depicted in the 1973 film Soylent Green, legislators basically want to "recycle" human corpses by turning them into . Biosludge is a term that refers to the waste generated by the human body. Is your garden fertilizer made from toxic sewage sludge? The bill places the use of alkaline hydrolysis for cremating human remains under generally the same requirements that apply under current law to conventional cremation., In a letter to the Wisconsin Senate opposing the decision, executive director of the Wisconsin Catholic Conference Kim Vercauteren wrote, Catholic teaching is centered on the life and dignity of the human person because each person is created in the image and likeness of God., The heart, mind, flesh, and bones of a human person are all elements of a unique creation, down to the DNA, which must be honoured even after death, she continued. The latest state to contemplate using the body disposal method is Wisconsin, whichjust approved Senate Bill 228that authorizes the practice. Required fields are marked *. It comes down to the toxic additives and preservatives, GMOs are harmful, should be avoided at all costs study, Mexico phasing out all imports of toxic GMO corn from the US, Chemical giants hid dangers of forever chemicals in food packaging for more than a decade, STUDY: Corporations are destroying our planets soil, Common food additive in ultra-processed foods no longer considered safe by the European Food Safety Authority. It is the liquefied remains of the dead going into the water system. The most recent CDC report on vaccine safety says that millions of vaccine doses have been injected with no detectable patterns that would indicate a safety problem: Other than rare reports of severe allergic reactions, analysis of VAERS reports has not detected any patterns that would indicate a safety problem with COVID-19 vaccines. You ARE what you eat, and canola oil makes you FAT and DUMB, Top 10 things to AVOID to achieve healthy immune function, Salad vaccines? Spotted something? We dont think the public will like the idea, a UK Water source explained. See who is sharing it (it might even be your friends) and leave the link in the comments. After all, everybody's doing it. Being "sustainable" and "green" apparently now means eating food grown from dead humans, as the state of Washington recently unveiled new legislation that would allow for human remains to be converted into "organic fertilizer" for food crops.. Mirroring what was depicted in the 1973 film Soylent Green, legislators basically want to "recycle" human corpses by turning them into . W ashington became the first state to legalize "human composting" on Tuesday, when Gov. Adams begins at five minutes in the video falsely claiming that the ingredients to the vaccines that are approved for use in the United States are not available: Do you know what's even in the vaccine? Just ask my hubby how long we searched for a sludge free source of hay for our donkeys. You can read it right here in Wisconsin Senate Bill SB228: The use of alkaline hydrolysis to cremate human remains and providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures. Fact Check: President Joe Biden Was NOT Computer Generated, Fact Check: Vaccine Needle Is NOT Left In Arm And Is Not A Prop -- It's A Retractable Safety Syringe, SITUATION UPDATE: US STATES LIQUEFY VACCINE-MURDERED PEOPLE AND SPREAD THEM ON FOOD CROPS [2021-05-, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Information about the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Information about the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Information about the Johnson & Johnson's Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine, Verified signatory of the IFCN Code of Principles, Facebook Third-Party Fact-Checking Partner. Poor Mr. Stone didn't know better, and now his family dairy is ruined, and probably his life. Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau Under this bill, a person may use the process of alkaline hydrolysis to cremate human remains only if the person is registered as a crematory authority by the Department of Safety and Professional Services. One funeral home in Jaffrey, New Hampshire works with an alkaline hydrolysis in Maine and sends human remains there to be legally processed. The Janicki Bioenergy Omniprocessor converts sewer sludge into water, electricity and fertilizer. With a bipartisan majority, legislators in Washington were able to pass Bill 5001, entitled, "Concerning . The Wisconsin Senate has approved a new bill that allows for dead bodies to be dissolved in a chemical bath, disposed of like sewage, and spread all over food crops as "biosludge.". "For more than 20 years, the eastern Michigan town of Lapeer sent leftover sludge from its sewage treatment plant to area farms, supplying them with high-quality,(LOL) free fertilizer while avoiding the expense of disposal elsewhere. There are rules in place that regulate what happens with the remains. Just ask the citizens of Ohio and Missouri how they feel about signing away their states for truckloads of"gold" from their wealthy neighboring states. Does it cost us more? Being "sustainable" and "green" apparently now means eating food grown from dead humans, as the state of Washington recently unveiled new legislation that would allow for human remains to be converted into "organic fertilizer" for food crops. I cant stand to put this in mine and my childrens bodies. The Republican-led Senate of Wisconsin passed the bill, which states, A person may use the process of alkaline hydrolysis to cremate human remains only if the person is registered as a crematory authority by the Department of Safety and Professional Services. The bill is trying to make legal the use of alkaline hydrolysis to cremate human remains. Director: Mike Adams. But why would I call attention to something happening all over Oklahoma, all over America for that matter? Gov. Just ask your doc to run a PFAS panel next time you get your check up. The bill is trying to make legal the use of alkaline hydrolysis to cremate human remains. Interestingly, there are often multiple children in one family with PANDAS disease, caused by strep attacking the brain. In two days, he had a sore throat and headache. The bill describes the process as a "contained, accelerated conversion of human remains to soil." The process of recomposition essentially turns dead bodies into soil, a practice colloquially. The flow can be in the range of 5-15 kg dry solids per ton of pulp. Contact Us, The Plan To Enslave Humanity With Man Made Climate Change Propaganda Exposed, Student Loans Help Fuel Higher College Costs, Price Inflation Grew Faster Than Wages Again in September, After Alex Jones, Elon Musk Is Being Targeted Next, Videos: Biden Economic Advisors Continue To Gaslight Amid Disastrous Inflation Data, Videos: Hundreds Of Parents Protest Gay Porn Books At School Meeting, Activist Confronts AOC at Town Hall Over Support for Ukraine War, Gets Suspended by Twitter for Harassment, Best Places To Survive A Nuclear Apocalypse In The US, Nearly 8% of people living in San Francisco and Seattle plan to MOVE elsewhere, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau considers investigating PayPal over fining people for legal speech. He comes from a military family reaching back to the Revolutionary War. They're partial to the soil, and the human body. Adams then makes the false claims that people who are "killed by the vaccines" are "liquefied" and their remains are dumped on food crops, falsely citing legislation. Measure out about half a pound for each day and eat it on schedule. And since crying makes my eyes puffy and doesn't accomplish a lick of good, I'm opting to fight. 2022 NewsWars Bill Summary The act authorizes human remains to be converted to soil using a container that accelerates the process of biological decomposition, also known as "natural reduction". While the Wisconsin Senate bill was introduced in 2021,18 other states already allowed alkaline hydrolysis long before the COVID-19 outbreak. Or, he might have ignored the warning sign. "Before the helicopter came, he was actually excited about the ride. Read the full article here Lead Stories is a U.S. based fact checking website that is always looking for the latest false, misleading, deceptive or They are regulated and there are laws as to how to dispose of remains. Ive never contaminated myself with food like that. Water cremation is also sometimes called aquamation, biocremation, flameless cremation, chemical cremation, liquid cremation . Lead Stories has written about the blank product insert in vaccine packaging. Our concern is that with alkaline hydrolysis, remains are washed into a wastewater system as though the body created by God never existed, wastewater does not honour the sacredness of the body, nor does it allow the grieving to honour the dead after disposition., Vercauterens concern about remains being washed into wastewater systems is understandable considering that wastewater is being used to condition soils and provide nutrients for agricultural, horticultural, and forest crops and vegetation., In 1993, the EPA passed Rule 503 which allows the spreading, spraying, injection, or incorporation of sewage sludge to lands, including, public parks, ball fields, cemeteries, plant nurseries, and golf courses., The EPA allows biosolids to be used in playgrounds and farms despite the fact that it contains high concentrations of heavy metals, neurotoxic chemicals and toxins the agency classifies as primary pollutants.. It should be. I could go on Ready to join the fight yet? Right now, if a person dies in Washington, the body can only be cremated or. To learn more about the ingredients in authorized COVID-19 vaccines, see, Information about the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 VaccineInformation about the Moderna COVID-19 VaccineInformation about the Johnson & Johnson's Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine. is a fact-based public education website published by Stop Eating Poison Features, LLC. Biosludged documents the horrific mass pollution of North America's soils with a toxic stew of human and industrial waste collected by municipal waste processing centers across America. Biosolids are a product of the wastewater treatment process. In fact, I wouldbe willing to bet they fertilized their pastures with the stuff, put the cows out to graze, and then probably claim it's "organic" and charged you double for it. Dioxin, found in many samples of sewage sludge, gathers in meat, fats and milk and is a carcinogen and is known to cause birth defects. Wondering what to do????? But, he didn't know! Waithold on.2 out of the 54 people in this survey DIED??? Just follow your nose. Washington Becomes First State to Allow 'Human Composting' as a Burial Method The accelerated decomposition method transforms remains into soil and uses just an eighth of the energy required. That film is available to watch (for free) at Who's up for a trip to Germany? They really don't know what might happen. If that's the case, what are the odds of 2 and 3 kids getting it in one family? That film is available to watch (for free) Nothing that lends itself to the kinds of things that are being said. Mad scientists want to grow mRNA covid vaccines in genetically modified lettuce, so you can EAT spike protein bioweapons as required by government, Ann Vandersteel talks about superfoods vs. They dont want to admit that covid vaccine-murdered human beings are being liquefied and spread on food crops all across America (in 20 states and counting). They've developed thermal incinerators, to burn their waste safely and harness the energy in the process. Why? If they had posted signs like these, that little boy might not have taken the shortcut through the sludge that cost him his life. Visit our store now before the sale ends! Of course, Washington probably won't be dealing with the human sludge themselvesthe high population density states are already contracting out their sewage to the rest of us. AsLifeSiteNews now confirms, Wisconsin is the latest US state to legalize this practice, which is deceptively named water cremation. But it uses lye as the chemical ingredient that eats away human flesh, turning it into a slimy goo thats washed off the bones using city water. The bill places the use of alkaline hydrolysis for cremating human remains under generally the same requirements that apply under current law to conventional cremation.". He is the Founder and President of American Faith and the Senior Pastor of Influence Church. The latest state to contemplate using the body disposal method is Wisconsin, which just approved Senate Bill 228 that authorizes the practice. Recompose, a company setting up its headquarters in Seattle, has a plan to compost human remains inside reusable steel "vessels" by late 2020. Introduced by Senators TESTIN, L. TAYLOR, CARPENTER, KOOYENGA and RINGHAND, cosponsored by Representatives NOVAK, SWEARINGEN, ARMSTRONG, BOWEN, CALLAHAN, KITCHENS, KRUG, MOSES, L. MYERS, J. RODRIGUEZ, ROZAR, SKOWRONSKI and STUBBS. God knows where all that ends up. "Those were our last goodbyes, at Clearfield Hospital.". (Gohere to read the full article.) At 12:08 in the video Adams explains his interpretation of Wisconsin Bill 228: Did you know that Wisconsin has just legalized the dissolving, the liquifying of dead humans and flushing their liquified goo down the drain in the municipal sewage system. The video was created by Mike Adams, who calls himself "The Health Ranger" on social media. Our family gives every sick child that comes to our farm the first jar of milk for free. Also measure out your daily ration of about a pint of water and drink it on schedule. Out for a Sunday drive in the country, America? Whistleblower Summit for Civil and Human Rights, Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window). "The EPA identified 352 pollutants in biosolids but cannot yet consider these pollutants for further regulation due to either a lack of data or risk assessment tools. we now have organic proponents signing up to be injected with the deadly covid vaccine, The Emperor Has No Gold Basel 3 Hits European Banks on 1-1-22 #5155, ROBERT LAMBOURNE: BIS CALLING IN SOME OF THEIR SWAPS, GRAPHIC WARNING: UKRAINIAN HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR RECALLS EXPERIMENTS ON CHILDREN, Funny story: the Chinese want NOTHING to do with mRNA Covid vaccines. Tony died at 7:54 the next morning in Allegheny General Hospital. Mirroring what was depicted in the 1973 film Soylent Green, legislators basically want to "recycle" human corpses by [] 2. Doctors determined he was killed by a blood infection, the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus." SAN DIEGOEight times a year a funeral director sets off by boat from Camp Pendleton Marine Corps base carrying about two dozen plastic bags filled with unusual human remains. inaccurate stories, videos or images going viral on the internet. How about them PFApples? Then again,we now have organic proponents signing up to be injected with the deadly covid vaccine, which means they may soon become an input for the food supply itself. The . "There is nothing in the bill that allows that," Michelle Bryant, chief of staff to Wisconsin state Sen. Lena Taylor, one of the sponsors of the bill, told Lead Stories. "In Maine, a dairy farm was forced to shut down after sludge spread on the land was linked to high levels of PFAS in the milk.". Next I want you to take wheat and barley, beans and lentils, dried millet and spelt, and mix them in a bowl to make a flat bread. There is nothing in the Wisconsin Senate Bill 228 that allows for liquefied human remains to be turned into "biosludge" and dumped on food crops. Surely it's safe or they wouldn't be giving it to us The nasty thing about PFAS (beyond causing cancer and all that jazz) is that they're stubborn suckers. No, that's not true: A video claims that a Wisconsin bill is legalizing such actions -- but the legislation does not allow for liquefied remains of "vaccine-murdered people" to be spread on food crops. Soon, if you eat non-organic product, you will be eating crops that are literally grown in human flesh goo. According to reports, Washington's Senate and House of Representatives approved with strong bipartisan majorities Bill 5001, entitled, "Concerning human remains," which was signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee, legalizing the "natural organic reduction" of human remains. I guarantee you that the big dairy that produces your cow milk didn't care that the cheap hay they fed their cows was fertilized with sewage sludge. Your email address will not be published. This is not science fiction and it isnt a conspiracy. Those solids are then treated physically and chemically to produce a semisolid, nutrient-rich product known as biosolids. Tests conducted at a wastewater treatment plant in Massachusetts have confirmed some peoples worst nightmare: that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) Worst extinction since the dinosaurs: Total biomass of flying insects down by a staggering 76%, warn German researche rs We are in the middle of an extinction phase. In Europe, they actually warn their citizens of the dangers. If America now begins "recycling" human beings as liquid rather than simply burying bodies or cremating them into ash, as has traditionally been the case, then these remains will almost certainly end up being converted into recycled "biosludge" and spread as "fertilizer" on food crops. The grease- and water-resistant compounds, known as forever chemicals because they dont degrade naturally and are believed capable of lingering indefinitely in the environment, also are found in firefighting foam used at military bases and airports. "Richard Esser, the manager of the largest wastewater treatment facility in Bonn, explains that the technology in Germany is some of the most advanced in the world., Alexis Tereszcuk is a writer and fact checker at Lead Stories and. People will see that and say, Oh, we cant trust them, well buy from elsewhere, even though the problem is no worse in Michigan than it is anywhere else.. In this paper, different properties of biosludge, the reasons of its low dewaterability, fundamentals of biosludge dewatering, and various conditioning methods for increasing of dewatering efficiency proposed by different investigators are discussed. Watch out for the sludge tracks on the roads. Now 20 US states have legalized the practice of liquefying dead people, dumping their flesh goo down the sewage drains, harvesting the sewage as biosludge and spreading it on food crops as a form of fertilizer. The dangers you get your check up sell dead human bodies in whole or part Eating Poison Features LLC... Tends to invade irritated or inflamed tissue himself `` the health Ranger '' on social media lends. 228 that authorizes the practice be in the comments Warning No Trespassing Photo from the article: `` Application sewage... Partial to the waste generated by the human body you will be Eating crops that being! 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