A bet between friends where their pride is on the line and neither wants to admit defeat to the other. Suddenly, Lynn manages to hit the ball, and the Squirrels end up winning the game. What if he leaves his family who calls him Bad luck? The doctor allowed the sisters some time to grieve before they hall Lincoln's body off. The girls don't even have pr-. You guys ready. Note: I own nothing and After an accidental injury at the cinema, Lincoln has one week left to live which has made her sisters scarred and terrified from her brother. Don't you see, you helped us appreciate our brother in the little time we had left." (Suddenly, all the sisters appear in front of him, looking angry) Lincoln: (as his voice breaks) Come on guys! Alright it's been a while since I've been able to update this and honestly I'm surprised that I was able to update two other fanfics tonight along with this one. - Leni barks, (Everyone, sans Lori, run back into the house), LORI: Leni, I'm literally one year older than you, so you can.. - Lori says, (Terrified, Lori runs into the house; In Lori and Leni's room, Leni is pacing around angrily, while the others are in there, worried). So I'm out. They sat down on some benchs at the park while Carol got ready to dye their hair back to black. LINCOLN: Sure. - everyone said, mortified, (They run downstairs to Lincoln's knocked out body). "Hey there, sweetie, how are you feeling?" Lisa removes her glasses momentarily to wipe away at the tears. "Who's gonna play Princess Makeover with me?" - Lori said sweetly - It was horrifying that you lost your memories. "You're no mistake, Lynn." - Lori protested, (Leni gasps in complete shock of what Lori said). - Leni said worried. Lincoln spends his days playing video games, reading comics, and drinking milk straight out of the jug. "Son, your sister quit the game when she saw the paramedics roll you out on a gurney. LUNA: Seeing Leni being sad about our brother not having his memories, no thanks. Once Lynn Senior figures out what's going onit doesn't end well for him (). "No problem, Luce," replies Lincoln. However, I am planning on deleting this story after, I wrote this story when I was feeling really depressed. LANA: Simple, take some dry mud, use some soft mud, and mix them together. This causes his family to chuckle momentarily. - Lincoln kindly accepted. Please.please grab my hand." Just as he puts his hand on the doorknob, he hears a voice call out to him from the kitchen.]. "I know that we hardly ever saw eye to eye, but you were there for me when I needed you, you were there to comfort me. Sis how much did this cost. "Hey, Louds" a voice said sadly from behind the 10 girls. It wasn't me! Royal Woods takeover part 1. As the family heads home, Lynn overreacts and chastises Lincoln because her team was on a winning streak, but ever since he came, the streak broke. - Lola brags - And we're not giving him his memories back, we're changing him to something different! LENI: He's injured, Lola! I don own anything but the storyline. LYNN: You guys are already partners! After the events of NSL, Lincoln leaves home and starts to cry in the middle of the forest. (The three enjoy their cookies, Lincoln struggle on his crutch as he walk towards the living room, he slips on a skateboard and falls on his back), (Lana and Leni run up to Lincoln, Leni got on her knees. LENI: No, it's not! He had tried to lessen the severity of his passing with his family, but even now, his family was falling apart. She is named after one of Savino's five sisters. He seemed to faintly remember feeling lightheaded and passing out, but everything else was a blur. It's not your fault." Lisa was the last sister to come before the bedridden young boy. They tried everything that they could think of to possibly revive their brother, but they were forced to part with his body when the doctor covers Lincoln with his bed sheets. - Leni said worried - Your hand is broken! Without hesitation, Lincoln took the photo and threw it to the floor in rage, causing it to break. - Lynn angrily retorts - I heard you guys yesterday! LORI: We love you for just the way you are. - Lincoln ask, (Lincoln pressed a button, folding the bed and him in it), LENI: Oh, what would happened if he doesn't get his memories back? - Lynn said with her voice breaking - I shouldn't never been that reckless around you, if I wouldn't be that reckless, you wouldn't end up in this condition. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. THERE IS SEX, a lot of SEX! "Girls" Lincoln cries "girls, please, it's not worth" Lincoln grabs onto his breast and whimpers. It should have been impossible for Lynn to turn her cap around while doing her good luck ritual, since her ponytail is in the way. - Lincoln said happily, (Luna, Lana, Lily, and Lucy popped up next to them), LUNA: Can we join too, dude? Lincoln: Phew! LENI: Don't be embarrassed, we totes did it all the time when you were a baby. (Lincoln got up and changed his clothes, he meets Lynn and Leni and they help Lincoln walk down the stairs and place him on the couch, Leni then go to the kitchen and made more cookies; In the living room, all of Lincoln sisters are around him), LORI: So, Lynn and you are cool, Linky? - Lincoln greeted. - Leni yells - You five are mean and rude that you don't want your brother back! Lucy hardly ever revealed her eyes to anyone. "No, I deserved it. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. During the scene where Lynn informs Leni to not take Lincoln to her event due to Lincoln's "bad luck", Lynn's eyelashes are missing. There is only one way to get Lincoln back! - Lori disagreed, (At a hospital, it shows a hospital room where Lincoln, in a hospital bed, with bandages on his head, while the others are standing nearby, Dr. Marshall comes in). His hair was now gray and he was asleep. - Lincoln said. - Luan protested - At least someone love my jokes! Luna: You were the last one to use it before we left! (Leni, Luna, Lucy, Lana, and Lily all hugged Lincoln, knowing they're happy that Lincoln is back to his old self again; Lincoln plopped on the couch, Leni then jump on him, the others all joined them as well, as they happily looked at their scrapbook.). I am the only boy, so I guess that's to be expected, but I can't help but think that the girls resent me sharing a space with them -like they wanted another girl instead of me. I mean, remember when they locked me out of the house? Lynn and Lori stopped in their tracks. LENI: Sorry, sis! - Leni said happily, LUNA: Your memories has returned! LincolnxHarem ClydeX? - Leni angrily points out - What is the matter with you?! "Lincoln," screams Luan "Guys, he's awake!" - Lori said. LINCOLN: What you want? said Lori who was mad that Carol won't talk to her anymore, If we can pull it off without anyone finding out I'll help. - Lincoln said - Its hard eating with one hand because of a cast. Unfortunately, their fighting causes Lincoln to trip and falling down the stairs, knocking him out again, much to everyone's horror and stop Lola and Leni from fighting), SISTERS: LINCOLN! For a while, he seems to be enjoying the comic book. Lana: I've read all of those already. and why are they out in the mountains? - Leni ask angrily. But you shouldn't badger the doctor for answers." Lincoln: Oh, hi there. - Luna said gratefully, (Everyone cheers in excitement because Lincoln is back). He hasn't lost anybody's trust, but someone has lost his and they did it in one of the worst ways possible and worst of all, he blames himself for it. - Leni said - How are you gonna mold Lincoln? They also had a large kitchen and a lot of space in the basement. Lynn Sr.: Ah ah ah, I don't wanna hear another word. LINCOLN: That was good. - Lynn angrily said. LENI: You knocked him down the stairs, Lola! - Leni said - As long you got your memories back, you'll be fine and you'll always be our only brother. Sorry! - the others said cutely, (Lori and the others leave Leni and Lincoln alone, she pulled up the scrapbook), LENI: You wanna look through our childhood memories together? - Leni said, LANA: A shelf fell on your head. LENI: It's my room too, Lori! Leni was next. "Diddid Lynn's team win?" When Lincoln is taken in by her, she swears to punish the Louds for what theyve done. The only catch? - Leni ask, LYNN: Lori is right, Leni, we can change Lincoln, he's gonna be my new sports partner! LANA: True. Lincoln quiets her down with a hug. (Lincoln fall on the ground, Leni walk out of the kitchen and sees Lincoln, she gasp and run to him) LENI: Oh no! Leni blows her nose into a tissue. (sniffs) After all of this, I don't think I'm going to put up with this humiliation anymore. (Leni kissed him on his forehead and rubbed his back, he hugs her gently), LINCOLN: (chuckles) Thanks, Leni. It is not known what event Luna had that Lincoln rejected, however she is known to have one since her face was shown on Lincoln's calendar. His remaining sisters had also gotten involved in the fight as a means of breaking it up. LENI, LANA, LUCY, AND LILY: Yeah! LORI: How many times I had to tell you not to go into my bedroom! Will these upcoming events after his family threw him out, Lincoln ran from home and was never heard from again. Where's the milk? - Luna ask worried. [Lincoln reaches for the doorknob again.]. No, not all Lincoln's memories of his sisters are negative ones. Read to find out. - Leni finishes angrily, LYNN: Pish posh, he can walk it off. - Leni comforted - Right, Lincoln? asked Lincoln getting the rest of the siblings attention, Well the guy who was selling these homes owed me a favor for something I did for him one time and he was able to sell us the house at a low price. - Leni angrily said - He can stay if he wants to! - Leni said sweetly - How we bathed together is so adorable! - Lana said - Now you eat them. In "Schooled! "Lynn, please Lincoln needs this as much as we do," begs Luna. When Lincoln is telling Lola about his supposed "bad luck", Lola's gown is a different shade of pink, appearing as it looked in. Lincoln: In the pantry next to the graham [Lincoln walks back into the kitchen, grabs some chocolate syrup from the pantry and hands it to Lana.]. said Carol as they all then left. All the Lawson siblings met at the front of the high school and immediately went to go get Lincoln, and Linka's hair dyed. - Lynn says. Can you get them down for me, please? Lynn latches onto the eldest sister and allows the gateway to her soul to open. All it takes is one rotten day to turn a man into a monster. Lincoln lays back in his bed, his chest exhaling in a wheezy fashion. During the events of NSL, Lincoln runs away to New York where he saves Tony Stark from a near death experience and become the next Iron Man. Luna goes next, followed by Luan. - Leni said - You're our only brother. As of that episode, Lincoln attends school with his older sister Lynn. That will be your legacy to her." At Lynn's softball game, Lincoln disguises himself as the mascot of the Squirrels so he can prove that he is not bad luck. Sensing his anxiety, Lynn Sr. pats Lincoln's arm tenderly. - Lynn said, (Lincoln threw a fastball and Lynn hits it, the ball was sent flying and broke the window leading to Lori's and Leni's room), (She glares at Lynn, who gently set her bat down and she runs away; Leni walk upstairs to her and Lori's room to see Lori is with Lincoln), LORI: And that's how you give relationship advice. - Lincoln greeted - Have you been watching me sleep? Well, I've decided that I've finally had enough. I always wanted Lincoln to be my enthusiastic sports partner and now I have the perfect chance! Lincoln, and Linka then got up and Sam gave them a mirror so they could see what they looked like. With a nod Carol then began to dye their hair back to it's original color. [Lincoln is seen in his room late at night, packing up a bindle. LANA: Luan, he's our only brother, we have to do the right thing! "Lincoln." When Lincoln found a beyblade named L drago he will get revenge on his family. - Lisa said, LINCOLN: What this button do? 14 years later, Lynn Sr. dies shortly after an accident, Rita tells the siblings th Lincoln a 12-year-old boy who was not really good at love and he puts it aside to continue with his activities, what he did not know is that there were some girls who we During the events of NSL, Lincoln gets tired of being bad luck, and his anger to his family rises as he runs away to find a lovable family that would not treat him like Lincoln couldn't take living his family shadow so he ran away from home 3 years later he returns with a few surprises. [Lincoln starts to walk out of the room.]. I didn't tell any of them about that, but I'm sure they wouldn't have cared if I did. - Luna scolded - It's the right thing to do! (Leni notices Lincoln is missing again; In Lynn and Lucy's room, she and Lincoln are writing poems), LINCOLN: Writing poems is fun. Lynn: Guess he wasn't much of a 'superhero' today wasn't he? What are you doing up so late? Ronniecoln/Nikkicoln/Lincoln/harem. LENI: How can you be that mean? After multiple heartbreak, misunderstandings and mistakes Lincoln leaves Royal Woods. - Lincoln groaned - What happened? LENI: (incensed) But what about Lincoln?! LENI: Aw, you look so cute as a baby! He thought he was the luckiest guy in the world because they liked him for who he was. His greatest fear of having his youngest sister forget him had been dealt with, so he could finally be at ease. - Lincoln said, confused - What you mean my memories has returned? If my sisters are going to make me the laughingstock for the rest of my life, then I don't think it's worth it. - Lincoln accepted - Just put your pillow next to mine and sit next to me. Lincoln: [Looking through Lana's bookshelf] So, which one of these do you want me to read? Lincoln stirs awake from his bout of unconsciousness to the full realization that he was back at the hospital. LINCOLN: Thanks, Lola. "Lynn, can I come in?" - Lynn called, (Leni runs outside to the front yard, she see's Lynn with a bat and helmet with Lincoln wearing a glove), LENI: Lynn, what are you doing?! LISA: Take him to my room. Unfortunately they wish bring back to life some secrets they will regr After years of abuse from his family Lincoln finally snapped and goes on a crime spree. So, here goes nothing. I know that you never cared about modeling that much, but I felt that it was the only way that I could spend time with you." I didn't work on this story by myself I got help fro Lincoln is drawn to the digital world and finds a new friend. - Lynn said, (Lynn launches multiple baseballs around their neighborhood, one of them hit Mr. Grouse window and another hit Lincoln in his left arm, he screams), MR GROUSE: Nice ball, Loud! LORI: What? - Leni said - It shows us how strong our bond is. The doctor began to administer medicine to Lincoln to ease his heart, all while his sisters watched in abject horror. LINCOLN: Good, I'm fine. - Lola berated - We're changing him and that's that! says Lori who was now close to tears. - Lana furiously said, (Lola is still laughing, which angers Lincoln into wanting to hurt Lola, but Lana and Leni intervenes; At home, Lincoln, bored, is lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling). Lori L. Loud [10] voiced by Catherine Taber[11] portrayed by Lexi DiBenedetto in A Loud House Christmas [3] is 17 years-old 18 years old from season 5 onward and is the eldest child of the Loud family. My twenty-first fanfic. or will Lincoln keep on going without knowing that they love his as more than a brother? Lincoln: (to the viewer) You know what? (It then shows Lincoln waking up on the couch, as the others look on relieved), LINCOLN: (moans) Uhh. - Leni said - You stayed with me, until Lucy was born. shouted the twins in unison. RITA: (sighs in relief) Thank goodness. This causes Lincoln to get an idea. Lincoln looked at his leg and continued to howl in pain. - Lincoln said to himself - First, Lynn beat me up, I got injured, and Lola taunts me! "If anything, you should hate me for not realizing the symptoms when they were there." Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! - Lana greeted - Sorry if my twin sister is being selfish at you. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lana: I mean, they're not crackers. Their eyes never met but each had a feeling they were looking at one another. Which Loud house character would be your best friend? - Lincoln said ecstatically - This is the my house and you are my sisters! With the dragon defeated, he and the princess flew back to Valhalla, where they could enjoy all the graham crackers and whole milk they wanted. I was originally going to include that into "Remembering Lincoln," but I had no idea on how to expand on that. The drugs seemed to lessen his heart rate, somewhat for him to give his family some closure. ], [Lincoln walks down the stairs with his bindle over his shoulder. "LLynn," groans Lincoln agonizingly. LUAN, LYNN, LOLA, AND LISA: Sorry, bro! - Leni angrily blames - All because Lynn won't admit she's reckless! LENI: Don't cry, Lily, we'll get his memories back. LENI: Hey, little brother, are you okay? LANA: She's right, Lynn, even if we do wanted a brand new brother - Lana stated, LUCY: We really do need our old brother back, you guys. - Lana ask Lynn angrily. We can still win this thing. - Lynn says - He's my sports partner! He was probably angry because we made him go to the toilet outside! The 2% is all we have. "Lincoln, Lincoln, no!" - Mr Grouse yells angrily, LYNN: (concerned) House. Lincoln couldn't be happier having two girlfriends. - Lynn tells Leni, (Both of them run inside and Lincoln then wakes up, while Lynn and Leni are standing nearby). Why you do that?! - Leni said sweetly - How the cast working? LINCOLN: Mmm! I had originally written the story a coping tool as I waited for the actual story to conclude. LENI: Yeah, you do. LYNN: (infuriated) I'M NOT RECKLESS! LINCOLN: (confused) Memories? - Dr. Marshall said - Nurse, bring him in. When Ronnie Anne calls Nikki a liar, there's only one way to settle the score. Meanwhile the Louds were on their way back to their house and they were not happy. "Dad, I'm sorry that this had to happen." - Leni told her siblings, LORI: We don't want the old Lincoln, we can mold him into a new brother. - Lana ask as she handed Lincoln a glass of water, LINCOLN: Yeah. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (13), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (1), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Ronnie Anne Santiago/Original Character(s), Original Loud Character(s) (The Loud House), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan. said Luan frantically, Yeah and Sam won't talk to me again either. LENI: Luna, you're one of his nicest sisters and you wanted to changed him? - Leni said - Let's go, Lincoln. Smut ensues. LENI: You fell down the stairs, little brother. Taken aback by her words, Lori gently rubs Lynn's back. You may be wondering why I'm packing up my stuff like this. #samsharp Those are sweet, too. - Lana announced, (Lana, in her PJs, came into Lincoln room, holding a pillow). Lincoln/harem. What if Lincoln didn't lie about having badluck to have time for himself, but to have time for a certain foundation. "But if I didn't hit Lincoln with that damn ball" Lori embraces her younger sister. Anyway it's time for me to get this story going again so that I can keep it going at the pace I want it to be at. "Unbelievable," growls Lori "Our brother doesn't have too much time left, and you don't bother to bury the hatchet with him?" After an accidental injury at the cinema, Lincoln has one week left to live which has made her sisters scarred and terrified from her brother. They're cookies. - Lori said. The floodgates to Lisa's sadness opened widely in response to Lincoln's words of comfort. Lucy slowly walks over to her brother, clearly unhinged from the predicament. Lincoln: And then Sylvester Graham used the Kikoho technique to push the dragon off the cliff and into the ocean. Lincoln nodded and went downstairs to wait for his sisters, after he left his room Lori walked inside and stomped on the ground three times, Lucy, who was still hiding under the bed, witnessed this happened and recognized it as the signal for Lucy to come out of hinding, Lucy came out from under the bed. - Leni said - And thanks to her, his hand is broken. LENI: (sweetly) Don't worry about it, Linky. Now. Follow Lincoln as he unleashes the Log on virtually every girl. said Lucy, I was kicked out of the young morticians club by Haiku and the others because Lincoln ended up being Haiku's brother. They sat down on some benchs at the park while Carol got ready to dye their hair back to black. LENI: Lynn was reckless again. Lisa looks up at him in astonishment "But, you're" Lincoln shushes her. I'll read you a bedtime story. - Luan yelled - He can be anything for us, you guys! It's Still a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Lola Loud vs Alice in Lalaloopsyland and Wacky Hatter. I want you to make up a new story! Lincoln then explains to the viewers that with ten sisters, his schedule is always filled up, and never gets a day to himself. - the meaner sisters apologized, LINCOLN: I forgive you, guys. It wasn't me! "Well, who's going to start?" (She angrily slammed her fist on her desk, making Lincoln stumble backwards and fall through Lori and Leni's closet, a coat rack hits Lincoln on his head, knocking him out; In the living room, Lincoln is on the couch, he regain consciousness, as the others look on worried). (She and Luan carries him upstairs, Luan placed Lincoln on his bed and wrapped him with a blanket, Leni placed a pillow on him and she kissed him on his forehead and they leave Lincoln's room), LENI: (sniffles) I can't believe Lynn caused this to Lincoln. Can his sisters find a way to get him back? !" He cried. Lincoln Loud was viewed by many to be a strong, caring, and kind person. Realizing who the figure was before him, Lincoln musters up one word before he went to sleep. LYNN: (enraged) I'm trying to prove to him that I'm not reckless! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. LINCOLN: Whoa, I never thought of that. Chapters 1-28 written with LoudAutomata16. (Lincoln walk out of his hospital bed and crash into a wall, Leni grab his hand and he follow her), LENI: I hope his memories come back. The Loud Family is devastated and they would give anything to bring him back. LINCOLN: It's okay, Lana. DR MARSHALL: He has to wear both of those casts for 6 weeks. The end. Lana: I can't reach them! LINCOLN: Thanks, who ever you are. - Dr, Marshall said - After he was given these blows to his head, his memories have been erased. then Lana place Lincoln head on Leni lap and she run to get Lincoln a glass of water), LANA: Are you okay? "Oh, Lincoln." Leni and Lori both sighed sadly. LYNN: You're welcome, little bro. - Lana ask, livid, LENI: (furious) What am I doing, what are you doing?! #maggie - Leni yells. Many of the sisters see this as an opportunity to mold Lincoln into the person they like. He join renee and her group of goth friends. Lincoln Campbell was an Inhuman agent of S Loud House Sisters Hurt Lincoln Fanfiction Wiki In some episodes, at least one is the.A young man bring the Louds, the Casagradnes . - Lincoln said, LENI: This is harder then we thought. Lincoln smiles slightly. The "FIVE MINUTES LATER" time card is similar to the one from ". Everyone seems to be minding their own business, including the only boy in the house, Lincoln Loud, who's in his room right now reading a comic book. So far, I haven't planned on continuing the fanfic at this point. - Lana said, peeved, LOLA: I was thinking I should dye his hair blond, too. Lynn looks at her sister, ashamed. - Lana stated - Can I bunk with you, please? Lincoln gives her a peck on the forehead and walks out of the twins' room.]. He had suffered through so much, Sister Fight Protocol, Bad Luck, everything that was thrown at. I love you all.". said Lynn. An island full of mystical girls who is lacking males to repopulate their species leaving behind their remorseful family members who they won't see again until several years later. - Leni yells, LOLA: (enraged) NO! Loud. Needles were placed on Lincoln's cheeks, chest, and hands to get blood inside him. LUNA: Uh oh. "No matter what happens, you'll always be our brother" says Luna comfortingly. Suddenly, he heard sirens coming from close by. Which Loud house character are you? (Cut to outside, Lori has her military suit off, they arrive at the arcade), (The siblings arrive at other places, but no sign of Lincoln), (The siblings arrive at the forest, Lincoln turns out to be there). We 'll get his memories, no thanks may be wondering why I & x27... 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