Click the orange cloud (Update) button when done. SMH ( for the good) !! The filter advances and immediately the water that was held up in the filter tray causes a rise in the pump section which triggers the alarm. Now that we have the sensors placed on the Dashboard its time to connect the probes to the Fluid Monitoring Module. If you will be using only the two leak detection probes included with the LDK, you should leave the SWX_#_3 and SWX_#_4 tiles in the unused tiles area or drag them into the dashboard if they are already on the dashboard. It only shows what the sensor or probe is measuring: Outputs can be manually turned ON or OFF, or can be set to AUTO. Ensure your optical sensor plugs are firmly seated in the FMM sockets. accessory has two separate 2-liter cylinders for holding your additives. Mjk0NzlkNTM1YTM5NjdjZGIzMTliYWJlYmUxMDFhNTJiOWRhNjE2MzNlZTBm Theres a delay in updates displayed on the Fusion dashboard screen. Defer 000:10 Then ON, Fallback ON If you got that message while youre at a movie theater, you probably wouldnt rush right home and instead you'dstay to see the movie credits and any blooper scenes. All of this information is publicly available, but is scattered amongst several Neptune documents and posts in the Neptune Community Forums. OK, now just sit back and watch for your corals to spawn when your moon lights are on! Just got my Apex and was setting it up. With this in mind, you should always start your program with an initial Set OFF command, and then follow it with lines that could potentially turn it On. Upload or insert images from URL. Lowered the Min Time command timer from 60 minutes down to 30 minutes. While the LD-2 utilizes conductive strips to detect fluid leaks on surfaces around your aquarium, the LD-3 takes advantage of optical sensor technology instead. ZjYxNTY5MjRjMzkwNTkwZDk1MzY2OGRiOWQ3NzExMGUzN2VmMzRiOGUyOTNh EB832 output power values in programming*, Enter your energy cost in kWh from your utility bill. This will walk you through these simple steps for setting up the LDK: When you have completed running the LDK Task, your Apex will have been configured to send an alarm notification if a leak or water on the floor is detected. Here is how I have my power cords connected: Stay tuned for tomorrow's tutorial on Virtual Outputs. It's so thoughtful of you to do this, I plan on getting one soon so your posts will be extremely helpful. Probes may have names up to 6 characters long, and may include upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, dash (-) or underscore (_). Neptune Apex Optical Water Sensor Setup and Review Reefing Ain't Easy 1.03K subscribers Subscribe 51 Share Save 4.8K views 2 years ago In this video I explain how to set up and use the OS-1. Please enter your email address below to receive a password reset link. ZTNlYThjYzJjYTBmODhlMTUzOGE4NmJmNzc0MmRhMjBlMjU4N2M2MzQzNTU5 I was just looking into how to set this up and the steps and explanations are extremely appreciated. Onteniente, Valencian Community, Spain 6 connections Leverage your professional network, and get hired. If Power Apex Off 000 Then OFF, Fallback OFF I guess Ill use the free standing sensor in lieu of the built in one on the ATK. Add the same statements for each connected leak detection probe as you did for the email alarm output. -----END REPORT-----. The FMM (Fluid Monitoring Module) is a multi-purpose device that, with the help of various accessories, enables your Apex to do: With the various flow monitoring sensors you can monitor the flow inside the pipes of your return pump, emergency drains, reactor pumps, RODI feed, and much more. OTg1OWU1N2NhNzliMzM2NGQ1MTVkZjZhNmNjMmJlOTkzNjU4ZGY3ZjIxMTMw Negative threads, posts, or attacks will be removed from view and reviewed by the staff. Again, it evaluates the programming once per second. For complete details including how to initially set up the Apex, modules, and configuring Fusion, see Neptunes official documentation: For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. In Fusion, click the down arrow next to your username at the upper right, then click Settings, To add a recipient, click the plus sign icon at the upper right. It may not display this or other websites correctly. $52.00 + $5.85 shipping . If Tmp > 78.2 Then OFF Earn 405 Reward Points, Earn 37 Reward Points Select the method of notification. Neptune also has a troubleshooting section on their web site: Generated by Wordfence at Wed, 18 Jan 2023 18:43:36 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. it is designed to be placed on solid flat surfaces. Using meaningful names will make programming and troubleshooting much easier, so I highly recommend renaming each component as the first step before you do any programming. For example: This would turn on the output every day except for Tuesday and Thursday. The Klir motor goes thru a 12 volt wall wart into a controller that monitors the sensor. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You really need to push them hard until they click into place. Added a virtual output named Maintenance to disable the ATK while Im conducting maintenance. After adding a new entry, you will receive a verification code at that address or phone number. Defer 000:10 Then OFF, Set OFF I first learned of the Neptune Apex in January 2018 while I was researching how to set up an aquarium. If FeedD 005 Then OFF, Set OFF This command is different than other ON/OFF commands because its actually delaying the outlet from changing from off to on, or from on to off, for the specified amount of time. If SkimmerFull = CLOSED Then ON, Set OFF Let me read your tutorial to get up to speed and then we can proceed with the programming. ODdkY2NlOTEzMTUxMzZmM2FkN2RmOTYxMmY1NzFhM2JkODRiYWMzZWY4NGY1 It seems to cycle over a 30-40 minute period. Included are a fastening nut and silicone washer. These outputs are physical, tangible electrical outlets that have power cords plugged in. This sensor can be used for constructing your own ATO (auto-top-off), as a high-level warning sensor in your sump, water storage level sensor, and much more. YzNjMjBmNGUyODU4MjkyZTI0OTAxMDhlMjBhZDk3ZWQ0NTcxMjBhZTY1ODI1 You really need to push them hard until they "click" into place. Wow these posts are great! Attach This sensor can be used for constructing your own ATO (auto-top-off), as a high-level warning sensor in your sump, water storage level sensor, and much more. This photo is from the Reef2Reef archives courtesy of,, Product Launch: StinkSink Skimmer Odor Filter. The third line disables the Swabbie from running if my skimmer is off. I think from my point of view that much of it was baffling for me when I first installed it and now I am about ready to move my main tank as I remodel my living room. Neptune Neptune Systems Liquid Level Sensor - 35 Inch $141.70 5 in stock Sold out Neptune Neptune Systems Trident Reagent Kit - 6 month $141.70 Out of stock Neptune Neptune Apex Flow Sensor - 2 (FS-200) Couldn't agree more, this is super helpful! Thank you for writing these tutorials. The Apex gives you a number of choices on how to program outputs based on timers, each with a specific purpose: OSC: A repeating On/Off interval, where you specify the number of minutes & seconds to be ON, and the number of minutes and seconds to be OFF If Time: Turn on or off between specific times on the clock, down to the minute Alberto Soler Cambra Data Scientist. Sent from my BLU R1 HD using Tapatalk, Sundays topic - Lunar Schedule and Lighting Profiles. Neptune Systems has released its latest generation aquarium monitoring and controller systems. Plug one end of the included AquaBus cable into either of the AquaBus ports on the FMM and the other end into an available AquaBus port anywhere on your existing Apex system. 2023 Bulk Reef Supply. In this example, the output register is set to ON if the moon is visible, but its turned OFF if the time is between 7am - 9pm. If . Set OFF If FeedD 000 Then OFF, If FeedA 005 Then OFF As a failsafe, a 2nd optical sensor is mounted just above the first one in case the first one fails. Let me know if this is a possibility, and if so I'd be happy to assist with the programming. All Rights Reserved. Free . My favorite example is a warning if my ATO hasnt run recently. IMPORTANT LEAK DETECTION PROBE PLACEMENT NOTES. Set OFF The ATK sees this as a low level and adds water. Picture Information. One of the things in this new move that I will add is a "pot filler" (like the one that is going above my oven) set just above the tank to transport water from my RODI set up. So far in this series we have focused a lot on programming outputs that turn on or turn off devices plugged into Energy Bars. When On > 005:00 Then OFF You can rename each module, input, output, and profile. If Tmp > 78.2 Then OFF, If Tmp < 78.0 Then ON I was a complete novice to reefing and aquariums in general. It uses three separate timers: The timers define Delay before first run / Time to run / Delay until next run. At visible wavelengths Neptune has a distinctly bluer color whereas Uranus is a pale shade of cyan. Plus, I made a rookie mistake with the Apex and realized that I didnt have a free input for the sensor even if it did fit. Earn 13,485 Reward Points, Earn 3,270 Reward Points If anything sets it to On, then the alarm will be triggered and notifications will be sent. Most of the things I've learned were due to their replies to others or directly to my questions. How to. Although it was first launched a number of years back, it still runs the latest Apex Fusion cloud software and is an incredible value. You can configure the timers for each in the Misc Setup page: How you use the Feed Cycles is up to you. Go into the FMM module settings, click Configure, then confirm outlets 1 and 2 are both detected as Optical Sensors: The logic here is a great example; a statement seemingly turns the output on, but other commands placed anywhere randomly in the code delay or modify that command? The best way to avoid excess notifications is to use a virtual output with its own programming including a timer, and then use that virtual outputs state in your alarm programming. In our final tutorial tomorrow Ill cover Lunar Schedules and Lighting Profiles. This causes about an 1 of change in the sump section with the pump triggering the high level alarm sensor on the ATO even tho the ATO pump hasnt pumped. For example, if a heater has the following programming, and the water temperature is 77.9 F, heres how the Apex will decide what to do: In this example, the Apex turns on the heater output because the last line that evaluated as True was the first line. Go into the FMM module settings, click Configure, then confirm outlets 1 and 2 are both detected as Optical Sensors: Wipe off your optical sensors if they are dirty. If Error Trident_16_3 Then ON No optic sensor.. Well, I have been fairly frustrated with my new atk v2. Creating an ocean in your living room and keeping it alive for years to come is a complex task and it takes a community with different skills to come together to support each other. In the above example using If Time where we need the output to turn on for less than 2 minutes, but If Time cant do that, so the Defer delay was used to prevent the output from turning on until the 1 minute delay elapsed. Defer 000:15 Then OFF, Set OFF LD-2 Surface LeakDetection Sensor Neptune'sLD-2 is a full sized leakdetection probe perfect for inside your stand, on hard floors, on top of skimmer cups, or any other flat surface where an overflow may cause issues. If CAL_LO OPEN Then ON A float valve acts as another failsafe in case both optical sensors fail, and lastly there is a built-in timer that acts as a final failsafe to turn off the pump if it runs too long. Add program statements for the two leak detection probes to the end of the existing programming, like shown below by the blue lines : Add lines for Swx#_3 and/orSwx#_4 if you have added additional leak probes. 6. The two existing Apex and ApexEL controller systems are being replaced by three new A3 models - the A3 Apex, A3 Apex Pro, and A3 Jr. Be the first to know about the sales, specials, new products, the latest BRSTV episodes and win free prizes! I use the OSC command to activate my Swabbie skimmer neck cleaner every six hours. NjZlYjQyNGRmZTFjYmQxN2IwY2JkMWIzMTA5MjQ3NTMwZWZkMjNlODJkNGFj I tend to place Defer and When commands at the end for ease of reading and troubleshooting. Ive heard a couple people say the 1 and 2 labels were mixed up during manufacturing. This photo is from the Reef2Reef archives courtesy of, Product Launch: StinkSink Skimmer Odor Filter. With a wire length of 5 meters (16.3ft) this sensor is a must have for placement inside and outside of your sump. Moonlight triggers various internal and external biological activities among the many thousands of reef organisms. Lowered the Min Time command timer from 60 minutes down to 30 minutes. That means moving the Apex to the temporary tank that will be in the garage,. cleaning up the existing tank while the living room is being worked on and then moving it all a second time back to the original location. Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para ofrecer nuestros servicios y recoger informacin estadstica. Even I can follow you.. 3D Printed Magnetic Neptune PMUP V2 Bracket PUMP APEX ATO TOPOFF Optical Float . We Also Recommend I/O Breakout Box $4495 0.25" Flow Sensor $2095 0.5" Flow Sensor $3195 1" Flow Sensor $6295 This would prevent it from rotating accidentally if Im performing maintenance on the skimmer or if its off during a feed mode. This probe is perfect for inside the bottom of your aquarium cabinet or on the floor nearby. Earn 23,085 Reward Points, Earn 1,239 Reward Points 101 sold . Heres my current EmailAlm output programming: Again, I want to emphasize the importance of placing the least important alarm conditions at the top of the list, and the most critical towards the bottom. This could include water changes, cleaning out the sump, making plumbing repairs, or anything where you might not want the heater to come on since it may not be submerged in water. It operates by water level building in the tray and then triggering an optical sensor in the tray to tell the motor to advance the fleece. It also has optical sensors at the bottom that tell the Apex when it is time to refill and it then can send you an email or text alert. I will order a sensor since I can always use an extra if this doesnt work. So weird! You may rename probes and other inputs using the Classic Dashboard. Great question. FMK Flow Monitoring Kit - Neptune Systems, FMM Fluid Monitoring Module - Neptune Systems, OS-1 Optical Level Sensor V2 - Neptune Systems, OS-1-M Optical Level Sensor V2 With Mount - Neptune Systems, ATK V2 Auto Top Off Kit - Neptune Systems, Small CO2 Scrubber (1.1lb Capacity) - IceCap, Medium CO2 Scrubber (2.2lb Capacity) - IceCap, DOS & DDR Dosing System Package - Neptune Systems, A3 Apex Pro Controller System with Extra Energy Bar 832 - Neptune Systems, A3 Apex Controller System with Extra Energy Bar 832 - Neptune Systems, Trident & A3 Apex Pro Controller System Bundle - Neptune Systems, Trident & A3 Apex Controller System Bundle - Neptune Systems, A3 Apex Controller System - Neptune Systems, LD-3 Optical Multi-Surface Leak Sensor - Neptune Systems, MOS Magnetic Optical Sensor - Neptune Systems, A3 Apex Jr Controller System - Neptune Systems, A3 Apex Pro Controller System - Neptune Systems, A6 DC 200 Protein Skimmer - Adaptive Reef, A8 DC 300 Protein Skimmer - Adaptive Reef. Optionally, you may add a Low Profile Leak Detection Probe. If Output Alert_2Part = ON Then ON For testing purposes, you can lower the Defer timers, or delete them. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. Click on the Expand Icon and then the Outputs Icon on your ApexFusion Dashboard then select either the audible alarm output (the default name is SndAlm_I6) or the audible warning output (the default name is SndWrn_I7). If Output Alert_Leak = ON Then ON, If [FEED CYCLE] [DELAY] Then [ON/OFF/PROFILE], If FeedA 000 Then OFF Free P&P . Defer 000:04 Then OFF Neptune Apex Sensor - Bulk Reef Supply Home Reefing Trends Neptune Apex Sensor Neptune Apex Sensor SIGN UP FOR THE BULK REEF SUPPLY NEWSLETTER Be the first to know about the sales, specials, new products, the latest BRSTV episodes and win free prizes! Feed Cycles must be activated manually by clicking on the buttons in Fusion. ZDcwMDA0NTExNDI2N2FiMTUyMjI0NzQ3ZWYyYjc5NmI3MjIxNDcxNzBhMjk2 All 4 tiles will appear even if a probe or other type of sensor is not plugged into every port. Click the Misc (wrench icon) to display the Misc Setup page, Enter the time each Feed Cycle should remain active, between 60 - 65535 seconds (1 minute to 18 hours 12 minutes). If you do not see the 5 new tiles on the Dashboard, they might be found in the unused tile area, which you can open by clicking the button that looks like a padlock in the top right of the Apex Fusion dashboard; you can then drag the desired tiles out onto the dashboard. Si sigue navegando, aceptas su instalacin y uso. Note that it may take up to 20 seconds for the dashboard to refresh and update the status of tiles. After testing, remember to add that line back to the programming since its there as a safeguard. The Defer statements are then controlling how long to wait before setting the output state. If Time 10:00 to 10:01 Then ON Its best to just always leave it set to AUTO. Empowering Ecosystems for 25 Years See all features The Neptune System Neptune Systems offers an exceptional and comprehensive family of equipment, controllers, sensors, and accessories. Defer 000:10 Then ON Place or leave the ACC port tiles (LinkA_#_1) in the unused tile area as well. However, with my 30+ year career in IT systems and my love of all things automation, I realized I could leverage my technical background and the Apex to automate most functions on the aquarium. If the ball doesnt touch the rim, the ball is turned over to your opponent. Apex Classic owners: You cannot rename inputs using APEX Fusion. . Ill let you know when I get it. Core equipment can be used alone, as part of a purpose-built solution, or all together in an You are limited to 12 characters, and the name must be unique within your list of outputs, inputs, and module names. Apex has 32 profiles named PF01 - PF32. Residual moisture in concrete may cause false alarms. FeedB Feeding corals. Virtual outputs are really useful! Defer 000:10 Then ON Just that single line of If Output Maintenance = ON Then OFF is all thats needed. Add lines for Swx#_3 and/orSwx#_4 if you have additional leak detection probes. This is an example of an OR comparison. The basic operation of the ATK is to tell the PMUP (Practical Multi-purpose Utility Pumponly Neptune would create an acronym that spelled backwards describes the actual device). After accessing the Classic Dashboard, go to Configuration->Probe/Input setup, select the desired input from the drop-down menu, then rename it. The label reads as follows: These labels will help you identify which FMM port corresponds to which switch input on the Dashboard (SWX#_1 SWX#_4). I also have the klir but due to sump design the optic sensor will not work. Here are some examples: Depending on what kind of lights you have, you can either configure them for dim cool white light to simulate the moon, or install dedicated moon lights in addition to your primary lights. MmEwM2E0YWNkNmY5ZDMxMWJhYWJhZjJjZjljMjk2OWRkZmI0YTBiZDMwOTk4 For trivial things, such as the skimmer cup full example above, this can be very annoying. They are going to publish each topic as articles spread over several weeks. Good idea to clean the faces of the optical sensors on a regular basis, especially if they're exposed to a fuge light, as algae growing on them can lead to a false CLOSED indication. 3. To get started, the Apex lunar schedule needs to be configured to correspond with the date of the new moon each month. If FeedB 000 Then 1, Fallback OFF I add an optical sensor to my existing apex based ato to act as my primary sensor. This sensor plugs into your FMM and, using reflected infrared light, will signal your Apex when it changes state from being wet to dry or dry to wet. The standard programming created by the Fusion ATK Setup task is fine for most people, but there are a lot of extra features you can add by customizing your programming. The ATK (Automatic Top-off Kit) is Neptunes integrated ATO solution for Apex environments. Ive read the tutorial and looked at my Klir amps and watts plot. Purchase this Apex 12V auxiliary power adapter: Plug your Apex Energy Bar into your UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)battery backup. I know it will then make the physical float valve lower than the hi sensor, but Im sick of 30-40 alarm a day (the hi ATK for some reason sends out about four alarm messages at a time). Heres an example: Now when the vFeed output is set to AUTO, it will turn on at 8am and 5pm for 2 minutes each. I stumbled my way through the basic setupandlearned a lot about advanced programming through trial and error while my tank was still cycling. Make sure the PMUP output tile is set to AUTO on your dashboard. If FeedA 000 Then 1 LeakL, LeakR (for probes positioned on the left and right inside your tank stand or beside the tank), LDreef, LDfrag (for probes positioned near or under two different tanks, such as a reef tank and a frag tank. She researched it and planned our trip to coincide with the full moon in November 2012. For this reason its recommended to sequence your alarm programming so the least important things are at the top, and the most critical things are at the end. In the event of a leak or spill in a carpeted area, the top of carpet may remain dry even if the carpet padding and lower part of the carpet are saturated. 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