Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. Dont forget that the one night when Jumpin was returning back home at the end of the day and was being harrassed by some boys, it was Kya who threw the rock at them to save Jumpin. Kya is described to have dark tan skin (which makes sense because shes outside all day), dark brown eyes, full lips and black hair. She also kills Chase because she says I will not live in fear. Amen sister. Either Jumpin killed him or he knew who did; and the time line is quite clear in book! The female firefly that Kya watches eat a potential mate represents the same kind of power that she herself taps into when she uses her own sex appeal to lure Chase into a death trap. The sheriffs just couldnt find the necklace. 353-354) This was just mentioned and then dropped without any further explanation? He didnt want their relationship to end, but he couldnt imagine bringing her into his world in town. In true Southern tradition, his mother was referred to by both her first and second names-Patty Love. But I believe she had helpno, no one else was on the tower but Kya and Chase, but she had help with the logistics of the whole thingvery probably from Jumpin, and perhaps her brother, who was in the military. Page 98 Who else would do that but Chase? Yes, its real and now Federally protected wonder where one could encounter many now-endangered species. Then there is the related issue of how Kya, who had heard little standard English, learned to speak it. They are not mentioned at the trial as audience or protestors or witnesses. Why was Tate, who always wore a red cap in his work, never considered a suspect in the book? In my opinion, Chases mother could have argued with Chase because he told her he wanted to leave his wife for Kya. Great book. Could Chase have fallen because the grate was removed by her but she wasnt there but came back to get the necklace? I think the question of why Kya chooses to kill Chase (and whether it was justified) is something thats up for book clubs to debate. But to kill someone. I am unsure of what significance this was in the movie. or does he go the entire book without the knowledge of the attack and is left with the thought of her as a murderer, the only motive being abandonment? QUESTION: Im guessing that was a gray curly wig Kya wore. She lured him to the tower and then she left the grate over the last stair open so he could fall through. It unknown what city Barkley Cove was based on. Is Kyas published Seashell book shown in the movie an actual published book by another author? She saw that she did not want to, nor did she deserve to, live in fear because a predator decided to target her. The feathers, the shells, the gulls, the fireflies, the fog, even the smells came off the pages. I thought that was a foreshadowing. What do you think about Chase and his true feelings for Kya? Yes! I dont know and the novel and movie do not make it clear. Pretty far fetched. So I sympathize with Kya, and I think even though I was not abandoned as a child, I have felt abandoned in my life, and identify with her feelings and fears of living her entire life alone and unloved. From Mas book maybe..it had pictures of birds with their names and the rest facts..she had good observational skills. Yes, when they found Chase and the tracks were gone-I though of how her brother said to cover the tracks. I cant shake off the feeling that theres part of him, deeply buried, that genuinely cared for Kya and was touched by the gift. Throughout out the book, Delia Owenss writing shows a great fondness for the natural world. This speaks to the fact that Chases own father knew what he really was: a psychopath. 17 Top Quotes from Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens 1. Kya is acquitted of murder charges and granted freedom at the movie's end . But where did Kya get a gray curly wig? If the red hat is the one Tate tossed with her, or even gave her later that would mean Tate knew she was at the crime scene when they mentioned it in court. . including poems by the prolific writer Amanda Hamilton, who Kya talks about a lot in the book. You dont kill a human being because of your circumstances. There are certain people who cant stand to lose, and who feel entitled to make their victims pay for fighting back. Then he finds a shell necklace that Kya made for Chase hidden in her shack. Interesting thoughts, but I see it differently. Did the letter tell pa and he went after her? P.S.Even I cried during the end.I still feel numb about Kyas and Jumpin death and also for Tate especially when he discovered her poems which revealed her true feelings and secrets. As a mental health therapist, I have clients who fear their perpetrator and feel as though they have no control or little control, unless they move away from that rapist or molester. Your email address will not be published. Presumably though, she saw it as some symbol of her relationship with Chase, possibly a representation of her taking back something (her dignity, her pride, her sense of safety, her sense of self worth, etc.) Our hearts broke over the injustices she endured, and they swelled as we saw her care for herself and demand the dignity that is heran every human'sbirthright . I always thought crawdads were birds What relevance do the crawdads have to this film Where the rawdads Sing.So am I correct in thinking that crawdads are a crayfish?? The way the content is organized. Another way to look at it is that its a memento of an experience that shaped her as a person for better or for worse, so she wanted to keep it. Why did Tate burn all her poems when he found them? Hi Nancy, the sheriff was letting Tate know that his dad passed away. The gist of it is that, depending on factors such as her method of travel or the water conditions, it could have been possible. Meaning she didnt kill because she was scared, she killed him because she was hurt. It was Tate that encourages Kya to go see her publisher and tells her to stay a couple of nights at a nice hotel and eat food you didnt cook. I thought Kya went to the black school for the limited day that she attended. I dont entirely understand why this hat has inspired so much curiosity, but here goes. But earlier in the book its made clear that Chases mother doesnt go to the police until 8 days after they find his body and tell them about the missing necklace? Kya needs and wants to live without fear of Chase beating or raping her again. Her plan had called for planting the shell necklace on Tate, that is why she had taken it off the body in the first place. She kills him to survive because she knows he will eventually hunt and eat her/kill her. I realize were led to believe that Kya killled Chase. If you read the poem (see the full text of it below) thats with the necklace, youll see how it clearly describes the situation with Chase and what happened. The sheriff came to tell him his father was dead. In 2018, biologist and author Delia Owens released "Where the Crawdads Sing," a murder mystery/romance interwoven with symbolism based on Owens' extensive knowledge of ecology and animal. Where the Crawdads Sing: Questions and Answers (Spoilers, Ending, Etc. What is met by the bird of pray on the limb at her window. But suddenly the female firefly reached up, grabbed him with her mouth, and ate him, chewing all six legs and both wings. She never gets snake bit or breaks an arm ( most kids break an arm or a toe, or something, in their lives ). And in the last chapter, it seems like Tate and Kya never had the conversation about what happened to Chase, is only when she died that he knew that was her. Was surprised the wifes testimony wasnt in the book, was my primary suspect but loved the twist. Consider the above quotes, plus these facts. Later on Tate gives Kya the red hat after asking if shes cold, thats how she gains possession of the red hat. But who taught her? He realizes the poet was Kya, writing under a nom de plume all these years. Do you believe that Kya killed her father? Kya was very artistic at drawing and writing. I kind of thought the same thing, but mostly from Tates love for Kya, and perhaps some jealousy on his part. She knew her father would throw the last punch and he was abusive towards her. later on, the cat is found on the chair in the courtroom, im having some trouble seeing the big picture of the cats meaning. Like her mother having a psychotic breakdown, Kya snapped when she realized that she was living deep in the swamp and was defenseless. I have been looking this up for a couple of days now and yours was the first comment I found in this regard. She thought the insects knew how to deal with their mates. She knew chase was coming for her and didnt want to live her life in fear. One mate kills another? Slow-moving creeks wander, carrying the orb of the sun with them to the sea, and long-legged birds lift with unexpected graceas though not built to flyagainst the roar of a . [32] The film was released on July 15, 2022. When I was a young girl growing up in south Georgia, my mother encouraged my girlfriends and mewhether we were exploring on foot or riding our horsesto venture as far into the oak forests as we could go. So, that means there was a 50 minute window for Kya to get from the bus station to the fire tower, kill Chase and return. Nooit gedacht dat ik dit boek zou uitlezen, alhoewel ik het niet voor mogelijk hou dat een meisje dat n dag naar school gaat, zo grote resultaten behaald. She looks shocked and amazed. that get asked pretty frequently about this book, so I thought Id just answer them here. I think she had a mental breakdown over the years and developed split personalities. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I think the question of why Kya chooses to kill Chase (and whether it was justified) is something thats up for book clubs to debate. I was always intrigued by the reasons why Chase chose to wear the shell necklace gifted by Kya all the time. In the scene where she meets with her publisher in Greenville, she comments about the praying mantis eating its mate, but says something to the effect that nature isnt evil it just does what it has to to survive. Most of us learn to pronounce words we have read by connecting them to language we have heard. Kya knows this is the law of nature. 'Luring him was as easy,' reads the first line in the poem. "Where the Crawdads Sing" doesn't draw directly on Owens's time in Africa, but there are echoes of her work as a naturalist. His parents last name was also Andrews. Many viewers were shocked by the surprising conclusion of Where the Crawdads Sing. On top of all that, she plots, and gets away with murder? I thought he was the murderer and they were arresting him, but that didnt happen. For all the details, see Everything We Know about the Where the Crawdads Sing Movie. This seemed realy cruel to me. So, in the end, the hat doesnt really prove anything. He wasnt anything a man should be . Who are the kids that are shown briefly at the end of the movie? Im inclined to agree that Kya just does NOT fit as the murderer. Shortly after Tate abandons Kya, she observes a female firefly emit a light pattern that summons a male firefly of a different species, at which point the female firefly eats the unsuspecting male. Her large eyes nearly black, 192 to have sex with her, lay claim to that publicly, distance himself by objectifying and reducing her real worth to him. Did he? The police didnt look for it until after Patty Love came in the office and asked about it. First paragraph, bingo. It seems like you just didnt like the book so you did your best to poke holes in every aspect of the plot. ooo thanks for letting me know, Ill take a look to see whats up! Why didnt Kya want to marry Tate? The movie was a fair adaptation. I identified with Kya as I was misunderstood and wrongly judged by people for a long time. Did ma go back to New Orleans and her family? And on chapter 15, when her mother his painting her nails and her sisters, her mother said the light pink would contrast very well with the olive skin tone they all had. LitCharts Teacher Editions. And protect herself from blame. The book does not explicitly state Kyas reasons for keeping the shell necklace. Her past work (as a wildlife scientist in Africa), as well as the title of this novel, are a reflection of this. My sister thinks kyas dad died, I think he left her like everyone else did. Was this a subtle hint of the author, or just a crazy thought of mine. Xx. She was afraid and did nothing like that feeling. Does anyone have her exact line? I really liked this novel, but I really had to suspend judgement and give the author a lot of leeway. Then it was all win the sex, brag about it, lie to get it, etc. I had to get it out before I forgot. Since he was a drunk, violent, and often gambled or dank his money away..,.i would say its most likely that he was killed over a gambling debt and his body dumped in the marsh or ocean, or he stumbled and fell/broke a leg or what have you/got snake bit one night stumbling home drunk and died in a remote area of the marsh. Crawdads are specifically references in a symbolically way in the text. Interesting theory. I lived in Atlanta in the 1970s when many young children were being murdered and they talked of fiber evidence which was a new thing at that time. The fire tower is close to town. It is revealed through a poem titled 'The Firefly' that Kya was in fact the one to kill Chase. How did Chase Andrews die? Just like her violent father, after Kya escapes from Chases attempted rape, she knows he wont let it end with her having the victory.He will come back even more determined to finish what he started. And for the person wondering how Kya learned to speak correctly, if you read a lot, you do learnand her mother was intelligent and taught the children many things, such as never to say aint., Were the hundred dollar bills that she paid off the property with really bills that would have been used in the 1960s? When i read rhe book, I understood why. She was hoping that the sheriffs searched the scene thoroughly to find it. As Tate goes to look through her possessions he finds a hidden compartment with poems by a local author (these are referenced throughout the book). And, one more quote from earlier in the book: Kya watched others. Where can I find her green crossover bag my daughter obsessed with it? [31] On July 5, 2021, Cosmopolitan reported that filming had wrapped. Been together for more than 40 years and never ever have that conversation. Overall I truly enjoyed the entire story, even though the author puts a lot of detail into the descriptions of nature, and Kyas work, but it is also cool because it gives you the story from a scientists point of view (which our Author happens to be). She came home and heard about the murder and Realized it was Tate and being an expert in the swamp covered up the footprints in the marsh and wore the fibers to clean it up to protect Tate. Thats why he keep her secrets. He will beat her probably beyond recognition, raped her and even kill her to satisfy his sick ego. I still have questions about the red hat! One by one, they walked out their life. Another part of the poem reads, 'The last step, a trap./ What color hair did kya have. Entitled to womens bodies, unable to empathize, needing to dominate, rape when rejected, etc. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. In the trial, Kyas lawyer said that the red fibers could have been there during Kyas relationship with Chase, but the lawyer wasnt aware how recently shed received the cap. Also, why would we had heard so much about the firefly sending false signals to mates only to eat them when they came close? Otherwise, GREAT book! It makes sense to me. That it was Jumpin and Tate that planned and killed Chase. Im sure thats something she just didnt know about and did not think of at the time. Heres everything we know about the hat: In Chapter 43, Tate offers Kya his red hat because its cold. Hi Im curious as to why Kya was upset and angry that she was put on trial for the murder when she was guilty? The comment by Jumpin is definitely an error that the author and editor didnt catch. Ky probably took the hat in the end. I was wondering who were the two men that were hugging that was seen by the lawyer? Im glad that I didnt purchase it! Also she wasnt a big part of the story, only in it to show that he was adulterous. We all are still talking about it. A final touch,Unfinished;The last step, a trap.Down, down he falls,His eyes still holding mine Until they see another world. Kya would have done anything to protect Tate. The infamous red hat. Known as the 'marsh girl' she is different to her neighbours, having a deep affinity with nature. Basically, at the end of the book, we find out that Kya has been writing and publishing poems under a pen name. Does the book describe how Tate feels about Kya being the murderer after all? I cant imagine how kya could find disguises and lure Chase on her own. This map of (the fictional town of) Barkley Cove, North Carolina is from the e-book version of Where the Crawdads Sing. Really? Yes..I agree its not in tune with Kyas character but throughout the book from Pa treating Ma harshly,Ma living her kids alone to survive, to fireflies mating process Kya learned that she didnt want to live in fear like Ma-waiting where the next fist would hit..Either Chase had to leave her forever which he wouldnt as he claims that she belongs to him..or she had to live Marsh forever..But Marsh was her only home..not just home but something close to mother.The wilderness taught her she had to find a way to survive-from fireflies giving deceiving signals to second mates and later killing them..the fireflies indeed knew a way to deal with their lovers.Kya learned more by nature than humans(she never really lived with them as they never accepted her the way she is like the marsh).So she accepted and played by the rule of nature than civil human moral code..So she had to kill Chase in order to survive and protect her.More importantly this is more about how situations influence Kyas decision than her character..she had no choice as nobody would believe her harrassment story and Chase would never stop. yeah, I think based on what we know, the bus person is her. Ma used to say that. Kya remembered Ma always encouraging her to explore the marsh: Go as far as you canway out yonder where the crawdads sing., Just means far in the bush where critters are wild, still behaving like critters.. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. All the same, though, her acceptance of romance doesnt change her overall outlook on life, which prioritizes survival over all elsea somewhat sinister fact, given that she seemingly no longer has any reason to think in such ruthless terms. Kya, who never rode a bus before, executes a plan wearing 2 disguises and taking the bus back & forth an extra time, in order to murder Chase. (See the map at the end of this post.) En dit in alle eenzaamheid. At trial, expert evidence is given that the fibers could have been transferred at any time and just remained stuck on there for years (even if washed), so they arent definitive proof that Kya was with Chase the night he died. 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